Laughing Fate

Free Laughing Fate by Roxy Emilia Means

Book: Laughing Fate by Roxy Emilia Means Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roxy Emilia Means
her body. Each small smile that touched her lips sent a burst of pleasure to his chest, and so he smiled and joked, hoping to see an answering smile on her lips. It hit him that behind the tough girl attitude was a fragile girl hiding a past hurt. He would kill to have her stop hurting. So they talked football, Puck obviously more comfortable now that the questions had stopped, which led to them deciding to play a little rugby in the backyard of their town house.
    All in all it was the perfect day, thought Puck as she stood in her kitchen washing dishes. She was staring out the window, watching as Potter walked back to his house. He only lived about three blocks down, but this was the first time that he’d been over. Puck rinsed the dish she was holding and set it in the strainer. Picking up a bowl she soaped it up and absently scrubbed it with a sponge. She didn’t know why Potter was being so nice. A part of her didn’t trust it at all.
    For as long as she could remember, Potter had ignored her. Which was okay, it wasn’t like they had been in the same grade or anything. Plus a small voice whispered in the back of her mind that she had never approached Potter either. Puck viewed herself as a strong minded, kind person who would sacrifice anything for her friends. But she often ignored the existence of people outside of her bubble, not out of spite, but because it was safer to give all of her love to those she knew and trusted. It was too big a risk to lend her love to those who may not return it or be trusted.
    She also knew that her emotional handicaps were due mostly to her experience with Drea and Kyle. She had learned many life lessons from them, not all of them good. While they had been friends, the world had seemed perfect.
    Drea had been wild and adventurous.  She was beautiful and loved by everyone she met. While they had been friends, they had never fought; they were two peas in a pod.  Drea had taught Puck to see the good in people, to see the romance that was in a single look or gesture.  Drea had been a photographer, an artist who captured the world so perfectly, letting everyone see the beauty and love that she saw.
    Kyle had been just like his sister.  He had been so kind hearted and fun loving; he was handsome and well liked. He always had a smile on his face, was always trying to take care of his little sister.  She could tell Kyle anything, had learned to trust him completely. He had made her believe in love for the first time in her life.  He had been her first and only love; they had gone out for three magical years full of adventures and priceless memories.
    Since their friendship had died, Puck had withdrawn even more from the small town. She just couldn’t trust people anymore. It seemed that all good things eventually ended, and all you’re left with was the pain.
    Still, it was odd the way Potter was acting. It was like he wanted to be friends. Puck examined her feelings on the matter and decided that she wouldn’t object to being friends with Potter. Of course there was that ‘almost kiss’, but Puck figured that was just the craziness of that one day. She was sure that there wouldn’t be a repeat. Puck was not looking for a relationship. Besides, she was simply not Potter’s kind of girl. And he was definitely not her kind of man!
    Puck smiled as she stared out the window lost in thought. Potter would be a good friend. He seemed funny and nice, and really concerned about her. He was a little odd, what with his strange phobias, but all in all a nice young man. Plus she thought that they could have lots of fun together.
    Puck loved adventures, and she had a feeling that he would be the perfect companion for them. She decided that she would leave the ball in his court. If he continued coming by and making an effort then she would let him into her circle of friends. But he had to be the one making the effort, not her.

Chapter Three- Star gazers
    Puck’s dream of

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