The Captain's Lady
friendship and Commanding Officer.
    "Do you remember Edwin Harley?"
    It sounded familiar. Eric frowned, trying to remember where he heard the name before.
    "Edwin is with the Marines, a Lieutenant Commander. We grew up together; his dad and mine are good friends. Remember Christmas dinner six years ago at my house? He was there with that young bombshell wife, Carlie."
    A sudden shiver rose up Eric's spine, and the dread that lodged itself in his gut churned at the memory. “God how could I forget.... “Closing his eyes tight, he gave his head a quick shake as if to rid himself of a bad dream. “Shit, she was all over me when I came out of the bathroom. What a slut she was.” He leveled Joe a sheepish look. “I couldn't help feeling sorry for that poor schmuck; she sure had him duped."
    "Yeah, well she split with some guy, took the kids and headed out to LA. I think Edwin was relieved, but I know he sure misses his kids. Anyway, the last eighteen months Ed's been doing some recon work with the Special Forces."
    Eric closed his eyes for just a second, and then shared a pitying look with Joe for the guy's misfortune. “When did you talk to him?"
    "I put in a call after Abby showed up; I thought we could use his contacts.” Joe held up both hands in a show of surrender, to halt the impending reproach. “I told him this was unofficial as well as confidential. He clearly understood that we didn't have a conversation."
    Eric was reassured that Joe was on top of things. His was a very meticulous, unscrupulous organization that often left Eric's own obsession with detail pale in comparison. For years, Joe anticipated his every need. Rarely did he do things Eric disproved of; instead, he continued to demonstrate his value, not just to the entire crew, but also as his XO.
    Joe was a likeable guy; this carefree calm attitude was unusual in the military. But more important to Eric, he was a true friend, dependable, reliable, and steadfast. Growing up as a navy brat, he had more friends and contacts in the military than Eric, who was in a higher-ranking position.
    Joe was from a tight knit family with generational ties to the navy. He always included Eric in family gatherings and celebrations, even after marrying Mary-Margaret. As his wife, she accepted Eric's quirky chauvinistic views of women, always teasing that she wanted to fix him up with one of her friends. He grimaced every time she did, not having the heart to tell her to stop. She was a treasure and on more than one occasion, he'd told Joe how lucky he was. She was fiercely devoted to her family and it showed in the close loving relationship she and Joe still shared, after eleven years of marriage and three kids.
    Eric took a pensive breath. “What else were you able to get out of Edwin?"
    Joe frowned, tapping the pen on the open file. “Not much else, I'm afraid.” Slapping the file closed, he frowned at Eric and tossed the file so it landed with a plop in the middle of the desk. “He's going to do some checking, see if he can track this guy, find out what he's up to. You know, standard stuff these Intel guys love to do. He asked to be kept apprised of any other information that you get out of Abby, anything else she may remember.” Joe crossed his legs before continuing. “As you know, whatever information he may have, we won't be privy to, but he will unofficially find out and let me know."
    "Thanks Joe, but for now let's just keep this between you and me. I need to decide the best way to handle this."
    Joe stood up, nodding.
    Eric remained in his chair long after Joe left, reflecting on the best course of action with Abby and their extended deployment. Sighing, he stretched his arms high, feeling the burning weariness in his neck and shoulders. Then a quick glance at his watch confirmed the late hour: 2200. No wonder he was tired.
    Easing to his feet, he noticed the file glaring at him from the center of the desk. This was not something to leave lying around. He

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