
Free King by L J Dee

Book: King by L J Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: L J Dee
thought, and that was over and above the own brand
bleach. I sat back in my chair, wondering if this was a really bad idea,
deciding eventually that it probably was but I would go anyway. The truth was , I hadn’t seen King since we’d clashed on the street
outside the wine bar and he’d told me ‘not to fuck the model’.
      The amount of work my loyal little team had
ploughed through was incredible and a phenomenal distraction from the man in
the next building. I wasn’t thinking about him nearly as much, probably only
once an hour now. The irritation I normally felt had dissipated, replaced with
a dreamy vision of his eyes blazing into mine as he pounded me with that
beautiful cock up against the door of his office. I felt sure that within five
minutes, he’d have pissed me off with a smug look or infuriating comment,
reminding me what an arrogant prick he was, and I would be back in the familiar
state of general annoyance with Jason King that I was both more familiar and
comfortable with. It was worth going just for that.
    Was my simple
reply, I was damned if I’d betray that I was in any way looking forward to the
encounter, although the butterflies erupting furiously from my churning stomach
reminded me otherwise. “The deed is done” I grinned at Katie as she returned
with a no sugar tea and sat down, assessing me closely and trying hard to
stifle her smug ‘you’re into him’ grin. “Where are you meeting him?’ she
chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee. “Foyer of King at 7” I said simply as she
looked me up and down shaking her head, smiling.
can’t go like that Lotty . No offence honey, I know
you’ve been working flat out, and 20 hours sleep in a week would probably throw
anyone off, but you look like shit. Your suit doesn’t even match”. My eyes flew
to my outfit and I was horrified to realise she was right. The grey skirt had
little checks in the material and was a slightly darker shade than the grey
jacket that didn’t. I hadn’t even noticed as she laughed out loud. “Oh my God,
I’ve been getting dressed in the dark to get in here for six, I didn’t even
realise Katie. Just exactly how many days have you let me walk around looking
like my wardrobe puked on me?”
      I narrowed my eyes at her. “It’s been getting
steadily worse” she laughed “You’ve got away with it Lotty ,
don’t panic. Ian noticed though and I couldn’t help but laugh. He said you
weren’t yourself and smugly told me that the fashion pitch much have taken a
much bigger toll than he’d realised”. I smiled at that, he clearly still had no idea what we’d been up to. “I told him he was right.
It’s amazing just how deluded some people are. He clearly thinks your ego is as
big as his. I suspect being taken off a pitch wouldn’t be something he handled
very well”. “I think you’re right, but what the hell am I going to do about
this?” I gestured at my outfit as she looked at me, a small smile curving her
lips. “Why are you bothered Lotty , I thought you
hated him?” I rolled my eyes as she burst out laughing, “ store room now” she grinned, gesturing for me to follow her.
must be something in here” she smiled as we made our way into the treasure
trove that was the Grayson International Media store room. “Dear God Katie,
what the hell is all this stuff?” I laughed, throwing a rubber chicken at her
back. “It’s what we get sent from customers to inspire us for our pitches,
mostly the ones we don’t use”. “I think it’s unlikely I’ll find anything
worthwhile in here” I grinned, speculatively eyeing up some gardening equipment
and a collection of coloured toilet paper as she beckoned me around the corner
to reveal rack after rack of clothes, hung in size order on silver hangers and
I gasped out loud. “Have you never noticed how I go out straight from work in a
completely different outfit?” I nodded, smiling at her. “I get it back, and no

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