A Scandalous Deception
believed it, but… “What am I
going to do, Phoeb? I’ve tried reasoning with him to no avail. I
hardly recognize him anymore.”
    “You tried reasoning with him?”
Phoebe’s brow lifted in surprise.
    “Yes.” Lissy frowned. Just exactly what was
her friend insinuating?
    “I’ve seen you with him,” Phoebe continued.
“You thrust your chin out and demand to be treated like an
    “I am an adult.” It was hardly an
unreasonable thing to expect to be treated as one.
    “Reason just isn’t a word I would use in
regards to your interactions. It’s as though you’re always trying
to provoke him, to get him to acknowledge…something. I’m not even
sure what. You poke him. You’re argumentative. Stubborn.”
    Lissy blinked at her friend then turned her
attention to Annie. “Do you think that’s true?”
    With an uncomfortable expression, Annie
    “Don’t put the poor girl on the spot.” Phoebe
sighed. “You know I love you, Lissy,” she stressed. “I’m not trying
to be unkind. I’m just pointing out that if you’ve approached him
as you usually do, you might not be as reasonable as you think you
are. Perhaps you should trying talking to him again, but without
your back being up.”
    It appeared as though Lissy’s maid was in
agreement with Phoebe’s assessment, but had the good sense not to
say as much.
    Lissy heaved a sigh. Perhaps she hadn’t
approached him as reasonably as she could have. But what did he
expect? He wasn’t her father or her brother. He had no say over her
life. She didn’t owe Phineas Granard anything. But…if he was going
to shadow her all over London, she had to do something about the
    “Perhaps,” she finally muttered, not wanting
to acknowledge that Phoebe might have a point.

    “Thank you for offering to return me to my
home,” Lieutenant Avery said from across Fin’s coach.
    As though he could have done anything else.
“Well, Felicity did abscond with your conveyance. Seemed the least
I could do.”
    Even through the darkness, Fin could see the
Army officer smirk. “You’ll become a legend, you know?”
    “A legend?” Fin echoed, thinking he must have
misheard the man.
    But the Lieutenant nodded quickly. “Do you
know how many men have wanted to knock that bastard to the floor?”
His smile widened. “I’ve been tempted to do so myself on more than
one occasion. And though I’m fairly certain Clayworth once
blackened the jackass’ eye, there weren’t any witnesses to the
    Uneasiness washed over Fin. “I…Well, I
shouldn’t have done so. It was beyond the pale. He’s a villain to
be sure, but…”
    “He had it coming. He’s had it coming for
years. If there’s something you want to pass through parliament,
now would be the time, Carraway. I’m certain your celebrity could
buy you any needed votes at the moment.”
    “Lucky only men can vote then, hmm?” Fin
rubbed his brow. “Do you know, Avery, why women seem to find him
charming? Harmless, even? It makes no sense to me.”
    “I have no idea.” The lieutenant heaved a
sigh. “One of life’s great mysteries. My own sister, who is quite
an intelligent woman, by the by, still has a soft spot for the
blackguard.” Then he snorted. “I think there are some women who
find that sort of man a challenge. They know his reputation. They
know he’s dangerous, but they think that they can tame him,
make him transform into a butterfly or some other such
    “They’re fools,” Fin grumbled.
    “Indeed,” Avery agreed. “Leopards and spots
and all that. A man is who he is. No woman, no matter how
wonderful, has the power to change the core of a man.”
    “Would you care to explain that to Felicity?
Perhaps she’d listen to reason if I’m not the source.”
    The lieutenant shrugged. “I think she already
knows that, Carraway, better than most women. The feeling I’ve
always gotten from Lady Felicity is she doesn’t trust any man, no matter his

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