When the Dead Rise (Book 1): The Beginning

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Book: When the Dead Rise (Book 1): The Beginning by C.M. Fick Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.M. Fick
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
Officer Powell. Is Brett with you?" Tracy was still whispering, making Powell's stomach drop. The bread he'd just eaten felt like a stone in his gut; something wasn't right.
    "Negative," he responded, unsure how to answer the next question he knew was coming.
    "Wh-what happened?" Tracy's whisper quivered as if she'd started crying.
    "You don't want to know Tracy. Where is everyone? What happened at the station?" The response that came back was drowned out by banging in the background. "I didn't get that Tracy, please repeat."
    Now it was obvious that Tracy was crying. "The woman you brought in died in the night. Someone covered her up and closed the conference room door. We noticed banging on the door a short time later and someone went in to check, thinking that she hadn't really died. She bit them and then went around the station biting other people. I managed to lock myself in the dispatch room but they're outside the door now. They're trying to get in Officer Powell."
    "The same thing that happened here..." Powell was about to go into more detail but was cut off.
    Over the splintering noise in the background, Tracy shouted, "They're breaking down the door." Loud moans were the last thing Powell heard before his radio fell silent.
    Shaken, he made his way down to the basement and was surprised to find twelve people; some standing, talking in hushed tones while other sat huddled on the cement floor. On the floor, he noticed several children, two teens and a handful of adults comforting the youngest of the bunch. He couldn't imagine what they'd gone through, but every set of eyes that met his were haunted - they'd never be the same again.
    Powell cleared his throat and the four people standing turned in unison; he immediately recognized Ruth and Ron. He gave Ruth a weak smile and lifted the glass, nodding his head in silent thanks while Ron made his way over to him.
    "We were just discussing what our options are," Ron said, clapping Powell on the back in a friendly gesture. "Everyone's eager to meet you." He held out his arm, indicating Powell should join the group.
    "You've already met my wife Ruth. This is Thomas," Ron indicated an older man with grey hair, whom he guessed was close to seventy although he appeared to be fit for someone his age, "and this is Peter." Ron indicated a man who was in his mid-thirties and wore thick glasses. "We were discussing gathering supplies from the surrounding houses, but no one's willing to risk going out and possibly getting eaten in the process."
    Thomas spoke up, "I was a marine in Nam, and after fighting those gooks, I think I can handle a few walking corpses. I just have to get back to my house and load up on more ammo for my glock." He patted the bulge at his waistline. "I have enough to arm everyone here and then we can go out and take back our neighbourhood from those flesh-eaters."
    Ruth smiled indulgently, patting Thomas' arm. "I know you have an arsenal, but we can't risk losing more people." Thomas glowered at the woman and Ruth shrank back; Powell was glad he wasn't on the other end of Thomas' stare.
    "Now, now..." Ron held up his hands, "We need to come up with something because we can't just hide in here, but we can't go charging out with guns blazing either." He looked to Powell for support.
    Powell held up his hands, "I'm not sticking around. I need to get back to my car and home to my wife and kids. I'm going to blow town and hide up at my cabin until this situation is resolved. My station's been overrun and I know a hospital has been as well. I'm sure the army's been called in and they'll close down all roads in and out of the city until it's been declared safe; I need to get gone before that happens."
    "Then why did you come if it wasn't to help?" Ruth glared at Powell accusatorily.
    "I made a promise to a woman named Roslyn that I'd come look for her daughter..."
    A quiet voice behind Powell spoke, "You saw my mom?"
    Powell turned and his heart leapt at the sight of

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