The Devil's Lover: The Wish
you,” she said to him.
"Hours ago, you were still alive. How do you expect me to do this,
Chevalier? How am I supposed to believe it?” she pressed his cold
hand against her cheek.
    "You were still warm just last night
when you made me promise you. You think you can just walk out of
that promise? You think you can just leave me all alone in this
heartless world? You were the only thing that made it all
    "The dead cannot come back," the
doctor said. "Please try to calm down.”
    "Did he…” she held him with her eyes
one last time, “Did he suffer long?"
    "No," the doctor shook his head after
a long moment of pause, "we do not believe so.”
    "That's good,” she said before she
collapsed. Lucifer was quick to catch her before her head hit the
floor. At least he did not suffer long.
     “ You should eat
something,” Lucien said from the head of the dinner table. Ever
since Chevalier's death, she hadn't been herself. She hadn't shed a
single tear since she returned home.   
    She shook her head in
    Lucien dipped the spoon into some
porridge and held it to her mouth. She turned away. He grabbed her
face with his hand and forced the spoon into her mouth. She tried
to swallow the porridge, but she choked on it instead.
    “ Why won’t you eat?”
Lucifer asked in an unsympathetic tone. “You need to consume the
necessary nutrients to sustain yourself.”
    She shook her head. Her face remained
emotionless as two lines of tears fell from her eyes.
    He licked them away. “Be a good girl,”
he said in a much gentler voice. “Eat for me.”
    “ I just can’t,” she said.
There was no strength in her voice.
    “ Seeing you like this
makes me want to do even worse things to him,” Lucien said. “Don’t
cry for him any longer,” he kissed her gently. “Don’t think about
him anymore.”
    She was unresponsive to his
    “ And yet, thoughts of
anything besides me still persist,” Lucifer stood up.
    She grabbed his hand and looked up at
him. “Could you bring him back to me?”
    It was a silly question. "I don't see
why I should.”
    "Those dreams... they weren't dreams,
were they?" When he did not deny it, she pressed on. "Those men on
the streets, you killed them didn't you?"
    “ I supposed it is better
this way," Lucifer decided. "I have no need to pretend any
    "I couldn't make sense of it, all the
things around you. I thought long and hard, but I couldn't make
sense of things until I realized you were the man in my dreams.
Your resemblance to him grew more and more each day. I see things
more clearly now than I ever have before. Everything has been a
lie, hasn't it?"
    "Not all of it.”
    "In the cave, you said that you
prolonged my life in order to grant me a wish. I’ll die after my
wish come true, right?"
    He nodded. "That was the original
    “ Bring him back,” she
rested her head on his forearm. “That’s my wish. If it’s within
your power, please bring him back.”
    Anger flickered in Lucifer’s eyes. His
dark hair bleached into platinum and his brilliant blue eyes glowed
fiercely. He pushed her to the ground, both of his hands wrapped
around her delicate neck. The sudden flair of his aura caused the
glass windows to shatter into millions of glittering pieces before
falling onto the ground. He fought to restrain himself from using
any strength, because even a small amount could easily sever her
head from her body.
    “ That is the wish worth dying for? Bringing him back to life?” his
furious voice shook the foundation of the house.
    "If you have even the smallest idea of
what he means to me, then you won’t even ask,” she said through a
screen of tears. "He was there long before you showed up in my
life. That man worked himself every day to provide for me, a girl
he had completely no ties or obligation to. He cared for me when no
one in this world even bothered to give me a second glance. He has
nothing to offer me, but

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