Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9)

Free Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva

Book: Norvir (The Mating Games Book 9) by Catty Diva Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catty Diva
shuffling numbers, it calmed her.
    They loaded on a shuttle, Heloise, Morelan, and several crew members rode with them. Cargo ships and other shuttles were loading too. Several potential mates, some with children, had been picked up along the way and were on a shuttle of their own. The ride to the surface was quiet and the area they landed in had personnel rushing all around.
    Now that they had landed, they loaded on a hover van. It was down to Morelan, who drove, Heloise, Norvir, and her. They were headed to Norvir’s parent’s house. The house looked like it was made of local stone and blended into the surroundings like it had always been there. Plants, probably indigenous, surrounded the house and some large plants made a natural fence.
    Once they stepped out of the van, Nat took her first deep breath. It was the freshest air she’d ever smelled. There was a light flowery scent that she loved. The door opened and a woman rushed out and threw herself into Norvir’s arms. His mom? She looked too young but he’d told her their people aged slower than humans.
    “Which one is she?” the female asked.
    “Mom, this is Nat?” Norvir was barely done before the lady grabbed Nat in a bear hug. She was certainly strong.
    “Nat, that’s my mother squeezing you in half.” He chuckled.
    “Oh, I’m sorry! I’m just so happy Norvir found you. Just one left.” She glanced toward the door where it looked like the rest of the family was waiting. The family resemblance was strong enough she could guess who his brothers were. Counting, ten, they were all here. Only one looked angry, he must be the unmated one.
    A lovely woman stood by the door pretending not to notice the angry brother while he just stared at her. Romance gone wrong? Relationships could be tough, Nat wished them the best. Her new mother in law grabbed her arm and dragged her inside. Nat looked at Norvir but he just shrugged. Mom was clearly queen of this castle. Maybe even of the whole planet.
    By the time the party was over, she had met so many people she could hardly remember one name. His brothers had all lucked out and gotten pretty women that were strong, but kind. She would be able to make friends here. Norvir pulled her closer against him.
    “I bet you’re tired.” He observed. Nat just nodded and stifled a yawn. “You ready to go home?”
    “Yeah. That sounds wonderful.” It had been a long time since anyplace felt like home. Even now, it wasn’t the place so much as it was her mate. Home would be anyplace he was.
    They said their goodbyes and left the crowd behind. Tonight would be their first night as a newly mated couple in their own house. This would be the start of a beautiful life.

    Norvir had never been so happy in his entire life. His mate was perfect for him. There was only one brother left, Zebir. He suspected he had found his mate in the sister of Annie and Georgie, but the female was aloof and hid out. If he could help his brother, he would because he knew his father would demand he play the games if he had not claimed her by then.
    Nat and he had accomplished so much in the week they had been home. The college was being built, the plans for the program written, animals tagged, and samples taken. Excitement rushed through him. Things would be so good.
    Davar was happy, but one more son needed to be mated. He didn’t have a favorite son, but he acknowledged he didn’t treat them all the same. Razar was the one he was hardest on, but he met every challenged and succeeded. Zebir, although he hated the term, was the baby, would always be the baby and was spoiled more than the others. Not just by him, but by the while family.
    Problems with his mating were already obvious to them all. He and Gildra his mate had discussed it, and though he’d threatened him with it, he would not make him go through the games. Instead, he and the family would help Zebir with the woman he’d chosen. Annie had admitted that Mimi had gone

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