Ghost Granny
stars. In her dream she was on the front porch in the big
swing, only this time she was not by herself. Sebastian was sitting
next to her and had his arm around her. She looked into his green
eyes and brushed a piece of his dark brown hair out of his eyes and
smiled up at him. She felt very comfortable in the dream and just
as Sebastian was going to kiss her, the scene changed. They were in
the wagon on their way to the hill. The wagon was decorated for the
holiday and the back of the wagon was full of pumpkins.
    They noticed a blue mist surrounding the
wagon and then Catherine saw Cindy standing on the wooden bridge.
She looked beautiful, magical. The moonlight was reflecting on her
beautiful long blond hair and she was wearing a long white gown
that was both simple and elegant.
    In the dream, Catherine watched as Sebastian
stopped the wagon and got out to walk up to Cindy. Then the two of
them walked away from the wagon, hand and hand, laughing. Catherine
was left all alone in the wagon in the middle of the bridge. The
air turned cold and a sudden storm brought a downpour of rain and
lightning. With each lightning bolt Catherine could see Cindy and
Sebastian walking farther away. Continuing their walk to the woods,
neither of them looking back towards her.
    Catherine did not know how to maneuver the
big wagon in her dream to turn it around and was not going to try
to drive it back to the house or further to the hill. She stepped
down off of the wagon. The pumpkins changed into lit
jack-o-lanterns with grotesque faces and they were all laughing at
her. Then she heard the sound of wolves howling and the air filled
with bats.
    Catherine started running back towards the
house. The bats were beating their wings against her face along
with the rain drops that were large and painful.
    “Ouch” Catherine said out loud, waking up.
She opened her eyes and saw Twinkle close to her face, trying to
take one of the bobby pins out of her hair with her teeth. “Stop
that!” Catherine said, swatting Twinkle away from her.
    Catherine noticed that it was morning and
looked at the clock. Eight a.m. Catherine took her shower and
peeked in at Cody who was still asleep. She made herself some
coffee and then went outside to sit on the swing, taking a throw
blanket from the couch with her. The mist was low in the sky and
formed an eerie beauty to the land and trees. Her mind went back to
her dream. She was thinking about the part where she and Sebastian
were sitting on the swing together when Twinkle jumped up and
settled herself into Catherine’s lap.
    “Looking for more bobby pins?” Catherine
said, stroking the purring cat. Twinkle really was a beautiful
animal. She had long white hair and pretty blue eyes. Catherine
felt a stab of conscious. “I haven’t been playing with you much,
have I, Twinkle? Your mommy loves you very much and Cody and I are
here to make sure you are well fed and happy. Sorry, girl, I will
try to do better.” Catherine said, picking up Twinkle to hug
    Cody came to the door rubbing his eyes.
Catherine said good morning and put Twinkle down on the swing.
“Cody. I hope I didn’t wake you up. I wanted us to sleep in this
morning since we have such a busy day ahead of us and got to bed so
late last night.”
    “You woke me up last night, you were talking
in your sleep. What did you do to your head? What are all those
silver things in it?”
    “Bobby pins to make my hair curly for the
party today. I was talking in my sleep? Sorry I woke you up, what
was I saying?”
    “I don’t know, something about Sebastian, I
think.” Cody said. “What is for breakfast?”
    Catherine and Cody had orange juice, toast
and a bowl of cereal with a banana in it while talking about the
make and bake fun they had last night. Cody wanted to go find
Sebastian and ask if he could help him again.
    “Why don’t you just relax this morning and
play with Twinkle? We worked hard and we worked late last night and
I think Twinkle

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