Ghost Granny
is feeling a little bit left out. We have both been
so busy, all we do is feed her, but she also needs someone to play
with.” Catherine said, pouring herself another cup of coffee. “We
will be at the Rec Center all afternoon, let’s just enjoy some
quite time for right now, O.K.?”
    Cody asked if it were alright if he gave the
cat some treats. Catherine, seeing Twinkle’s bowl empty said that
would be fine since Twinkle already ate her breakfast.
    “Can we bring Twinkle with us when we go to
the party today, mom?”
    “Oh no, Cody, I am afraid Twinkle will get
lost, that is a long way for her to try and find her way back here
if she did.” Catherine said.
    “But that is not fair just leaving her here
all by herself while we have fun.” Cody said.
    “Twinkle is alone when we are at school and
work and besides, she has other animals here to play with. I see
her over by the deer a lot when we are in the wagon coming over the
bridge. Why don’t you play with her until it’s time to get dressed
to go to the party? I am sure she would like that.”
    An hour before the official start of the
festivities mother and son were ready. “You look cool, mom, I like
your hair.” Cody said. Catherine looked in the mirror and smiled.
“I do too, I sure have a big head right now.” She laughed, shaking
her head and all her curls bouncing around. “If it weren’t so much
trouble, I might wear it like this more often.”
    Catherine made sure Twinkle had a bowl full
of food, plus she put a couple of snacks on the window seat knowing
that Twinkle would eventually jump up there to sun herself and take
a nap. She put cold water in her kitty bowl and gave Twinkle a big
hug before leaving the house. Twinkle sneezed into Catherine’s
    Sebastian had been there a half an hour ago
and made sure that Caramel was hitched up to the cart that was to
take Cody and Catherine to the hill. Caramel had dark green and
orange ribbons and bells all over her and seemed to prance rather
than just walk, to the hill. It was a small cart, one that
Catherine could manage by herself as far as the hill at least.
Catherine and Cody were in good spirits and looking forward to the
party. Sebastian had not been in costume when he was there earlier,
so Catherine was also looking forward to seeing what he would be
dressed up as.
    Twinkle sat on the window seat and watched
the wagon pull out. She jumped down to the floor and stretched to
her full height again. A tail of blue mist came in the back
    “You look pretty good, Luna.” Thelma said,
taking in her sister’s dark gray long suit and black high boots.
Luna was dressed like an English Nanny and had a little hat on her
head and a white ruffled blouse under her suit jacket.
    “Not so bad yourself Thelma, why aren’t you
ready yet?”
    “Catherine and Cody just left in the wagon
with Caramel a few minutes ago.” Thelma said, opening the window
seat cushion and taking out a beautiful Marie Antoinette French
Colonial gown.
    The dress was ice blue in color and had long
sleeves that were layers of white lace. Thelma made a striking
Marie Antoinette Colonial figure. The neckline of the gown was
square and there were three big bows down the bodice of the dress. Thelma then went to a
cupboard and took out the big square hoop that was to go underneath
the dress. A couple of swirls with her hands and Thelma’s
hair was tall with long curls down one side of her head. “I love a Masquerade
    “ Are you two ready to go yet?” Said the man walking in the
front door. He was very tall and distinguished
looking with more gray in his hair than brown. He had a gray mustache.
He was dressed like Count Dracula. Luna went up to him and gave him
a kiss. “You look very dashing, Hugo. Yes, I believe we are both
ready to go now. Are the others over the hill already?”
    “ Yes, I waited
until Caramel was on her way back here before I ‘changed’ Hugo said
with a wink and a laugh at his joke as he

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