The Elf King
“You’re not Mason, are you? Well, who are you?”
    The big man said in no
polite manner, “Open the door.”
    Without warning, the two
thieves rushed him. Iron spears swiped past his brown head in a
rush, but missed poorly. The man they thought was Mason grabbed one
of the spears and slammed it into the head of the smaller man who
dropped to the ground lifeless. The other man dropped his spear and
ran. The buyer picked it up. As the thief reached the corner of the
alley, a spear lodged into his back, piercing his spine. He toppled
over in the street and drunkards quickly began removing his
    The big man looked around
as if there was more work to do, but none challenged. He walked for
the wagon and began to remove the lock.
    Inside the wagon, the three
had heard the fight and knew something terrible had happened. As
the lock scraped open across the door, Qenn’s heart nearly broke
free of his chest. He looked to Kandish, who nodded that it was
time. With a heavy groan, the thick door began to open.
    As it did so, the lone
figure stood at its opening. Kandish’s blue eyes grew wide with
recognition and a hint of fear. She fought with urgency to hold
back the two brothers as they raced past her to attack him. She
gasped softly, “No. It’s Kamen Ode!”
    Kamen Ode raised his
scarred face up to the three people in the wagon. His smile was
cruel. “Welcome to Skadar Port.”

Chapter 6
    “ K ill them all!” Queen Sienna ordered again, if only to put to
rest any further doubts of her intentions. Her normally pale
complexion was a fiery red; her long auburn hair was unkempt, swept
in a pool of anger like the lines on her face. Her large frame was
draped in the heavy fabric of her deep purple shawl which wrapped
snug around her entire body.
    “ I want the Lyyn Forest to
soak in their blood. I want every single elf dead!”
    Lon Ruell and his secondary
commanders sat with Ern Dwull and his choice of captains and
watched in silence as the Queen cast a beam of fury before storming
out of the meeting chamber. Kloe Datris hesitated, already scolded
once before about watching her, yet unable to leave his pledged
duties. He was Head of the Red Knights; his sole purpose was to
protect the King and Queen. But with the death of her husband,
Sienna had warned that she trusted no one, and no one was to come
in contact with her or they would be killed. Kloe Datris waited a
second further, and then followed.
    The rest of the council
watched her go, and then once she was out of sight began with their
plans. Most agreed with the Queen’s demands. It was Wilt Oan,
sitting at the end of the table, who said nothing.
    “ My men will be ready to
march for the Lyyn Forest by morning. We are well prepared and will
be able to withstand an all-out assault for several weeks. The Shyl
will offer us better accommodations, should we fall back.”
Commander Ern Dwull stated, unrolling a large regional map out
before him, looking only at Lon Ruell. His face was masked in
shadow as the dark room was only lit by a single lantern set at the
center of the table and his black hair went untied, hiding most of
his angered face from the others.
    Lon nodded. “Archers are
preparing for departure as we speak. We will be ready by dawn as
    With a sigh, he looked
around the table. “Before the King’s death, messengers were
dispatched into the Caltar Mountains and across the Spira into
Nestlor. The Cave Lords sent word back that they will take no part
in our war. They care nothing for it, and wished to be left alone.
This is no surprise. They have never taken sides in anything
before, and it was merely hope that we asked them to leave their
caves to begin with.”
    Lon watched faces sadden.
“So that leaves just the Men of Cillitran. We are on our
    Wilt Oan sat at the end of
the table, head sunk low, eyes on the verge of releasing the tears
held in check. He stared blankly, knowing the course of action

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