In Good Hands With My Dad's Best Friend (BBW Contemporary Medical Taboo Romance)
type. Sara preferred wine, so she perused the rack in the kitchen. Probably not the really good stuff. That would be in the cellar and no way would she dive into that dark pit. She should call Lucy and ask her which brand from the kitchen selection would be decent.
    Oh shit! She forgot to call Lucy and let her know she was safe from the mysterious doorbell ringer. Right on cue, her phone vibrated with a text.
    What's going on? U ok?
    Fine. Guy at door is Dads friend. Nice guy.
    Sara pondered a minute, then couldn't resist.
    Cute 2.
    What? Tell more.
    Gotta go. Pizza party.
    Sara smiled, turned the volume all the way down and stuck the phone in her pocket. Deciding to make the meal a little classy, she slid the pizza slices out of the box and onto a plate, and put the beer and wine on a tray. There. Not too bad, considering she did this all by the beam of a flashlight. Picking up the tray she headed back to the living room.
    Warmth and light hit her as soon as she turned the corner. Much better. Mathew had lit more candles and the place looked extremely inviting. She made a mental note, burn candles more often.
    Of course, having this incredibly appealing guy in the room helped. He had his long legs propped on a coffee table, head reclined on the back of the couch, and his eyes closed. He looked exhausted. Still cute, but exhausted. She set the tray down quietly and studied him again. Younger than her dad, by a few years. Those laugh lines added to his good looks, making him appear mature, but not old. Brown hair, with some blond highlights shone in the firelight.
    "You don't get many men to look at where you come from?" He didn't open his eyes, didn't move while asking the question. "You're staring at me again."
    Damn it, was he magic, he could see through his eyelids? "I'm just trying to see if I can place you, in any pictures my dad has shown me."
    Good save.
    "You'll see one on the shelf, next to the big window. When your dad and I were in Africa."
    She set the tray down and he popped open the beer, then dug into the pizza. Sara wandered over to the window to find it. Africa. Hunting some poor animal for a trophy, no doubt. Rich guy games.
    "I was just heading off for a stint for Doctors Without Borders. Doug was there at the same time, doing some pro bono work for the group. We managed to meet up, got someone to take a picture. It turned out pretty good, so we kept it.
    There. Her dad and Mathew, posed in front of a gorgeous sunset in an exotic background. Mathew had a slight beard and longish hair and her dad, he looked happy. Really happy. She didn't know he'd done volunteer work as a lawyer.
    "You're a doctor?"
    "Was. Couldn't deal with the insurance companies and the political bullshit."
    "What do you do now?"
    "Whatever I want. I made a few good investments. Really good. I don't have to work anymore. At least not at something I don't enjoy."
    What do you enjoy , she almost asked, but bit her tongue. This guy radiated a powerful sensual energy, and no doubt his list of enjoyable activities would make her pulse race. Faster than it did now.
    "Tell me about this investment project you're working on with my dad."
    Something safe and boring.
    "It's not terribly exciting. How about we talk about you. Your father mentions you all the time, but doesn't go into much detail."
    What? A guy who didn't want to talk about himself? Odd. Sara continued to peruse the pictures on the shelf. Doug had kept one of their family, him, her and her mom, tucked away in the back. She wiped off the light coat of dust and studied it. How happy they all looked.
    "I'm not terribly exciting either. I live in Maplewood, I'm an admin assistant, and I hang out with my friends."
    "I'm sure there's more to you than that. Come on over and eat. I opened your wine for you."
    Yes, wine. Maybe that would settle her nerves. Something about Mathew did funny things to her lady parts. His voice, lord, like liquid heat, sliding along her nerve endings.

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