Body Contact (Hands On #2)
one,” she teased back. “That’s what.”
    “That’s right.”
    Desperate to reacquaint himself with her body, he kissed her, his tongue sinking inside, then withdrawing. He lashed against the sides of her mouth, then tangled his tongue with hers. Pulling back, he swished it over her lips and teeth, seeking an even deeper intimacy. He slid his hand down her body and touched her pussy. When he found her curls damp with passion—for him—he knew he was in trouble.
    So much fucking trouble.

Chapter Five
    Danielle stretched, and as her muscles ached, a beautiful reminder of her night with Jack, she peeled one eye open and reached across the bed to find it cold and empty. She sat up and glanced around the room, but Jack was nowhere to be found. Had he left in the middle of the night? Sneaked out under the cover of darkness? A pang of loneliness nipped at her soul. She drew in a quick breath and let it out slowly, upset with herself for letting her emotions get the best of her. But how could she not feel something more with a guy like him ? She threw up a mental shield, knowing better than to go there.
    A noise sounded in the other room. Jack? He was still here? Her heart leaped. Damn. Hadn’t she just told herself not to let her emotions run away with her? She slid from the bed and grabbed her robe. It wisped over her shoulders as she tiptoed down the hall. She rounded the corner and her breath caught when she found him in the kitchen, dressed only in his jeans as he whipped up a pan of scrambled eggs. He looked warm and sated this morning, and so darn right standing there in her small apartment, that she couldn’t help but smile.
    “Morning,” she said quietly. The grin that lit his face when he turned to see her weakened her knees.
    “What are you so happy about?” he asked.
    She finger-combed her hair. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe the three orgasms you gave me last night.”
    He laughed and pointed to the coffeemaker. “Grab yourself a cup.” She glanced at the clock, calculating how much time she had before she had to get to the college. Maybe they still had time to go for that fourth orgasm. She mentally kicked herself to get her head on straight. Honest to God, the man was turning her in to a nymphomaniac.
    “I didn’t mean to wake you,” he said, bringing her back to the moment.
    “You didn’t.”
    “I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”
    God, could he be any sweeter? “Oh, how thoughtful. I’ve never had breakfast in bed before.”
    “If you want to crawl back in there, we can fix that.”
    “No, that’s okay. I’m up now.”
    “Another time, then,” he said.
    “Shouldn’t I be bringing you breakfast in bed?” she asked. “Considering all you’ve been doing for me.”
    “After the way you sucked my cock, I should be preparing you a gourmet meal.”
    “You really liked it, huh?” she said, her chest filling with pride.
    “‘Liked’ would be an understatement.”
    She chuckled, loving the open honesty between them, as she reached into the cupboard for two mugs. Her fingers closed around the handle on the coffeepot, but the hand sliding around her waist stopped her. Jack pulled her to him, and she placed her hand on his bare chest, enjoying the feel of his strong heartbeat.
    “How are you feeling this morning?” His hand slid down to close over her sex through her robe.
    “Sore, but good.”
    He dipped his head and lightly brushed his mouth over hers. “Too sore to go the distance tonight? To finish what we started?”
    Her body quivered, anxious to be with him. “No. I want to,” she said quickly. Probably a little too quickly. “I’ve been thinking about it, a lot.”
    He chuckled lightly. “And I’ve been thinking about all the ways I’m going to take you. After tonight, we’ll still have another whole week to try out all kinds of different positions.”
    “What’s your favorite?”
    “I’m pretty sure any position with you will be my favorite, but

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