Body Contact (Hands On #2)
we’re going to start with missionary. I think it will be the most comfortable for your first time. Then it’s no holds barred,” he teased, reaching around her back to give her a smack on the ass.
    She yelped, even though her robe buffered the slap. He laughed. “That reminds me, I’ve yet to give you a proper spanking.”
    Her insides trembled, but it wasn’t from fear. “You want to spank me?”
    “Sure.” His eyes flared hot, and he winked. “After last night, I kind of thought you’d be open to the idea.”
    Her mind raced back to the things she’d done to him last night, then skipped to the BDSM club. She’d enjoyed watching that girl get spanked, had wondered what it would be like to have Jack’s hand come down over her backside. A week ago, she wouldn’t even have considered it, but now, well, now she was all about experimenting.
    “Are you going to put me over your knee?”
    “You bet I am.” Grinning, he reached into the cupboards for plates, and she poured the coffee with shaky hands. The toast popped. He buttered it and placed it on the plates. She followed him to the small dinette table, unable to take her eyes off his ass.
    She sat across from him and bit into her piping-hot eggs. “These are delicious.”
    He smiled. “Eggs are easy, but I like cooking. My mother just never let me in the kitchen.”
    “Why not?”
    “I said I liked it. I didn’t say I was good at it.”
    “I like it, too.”
    “Oh yeah? Then Mom will love you.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he stiffened. “I mean, she’s lived with three sons, a husband, and all of our friends, who never seem to leave. Even Corky, the dog we had growing up, was a male. Too much testosterone. She’s dying for a little female company in the house.”
    “Your mom sounds nice. But who named your dog?”
    He rolled his eyes. “Luke, but he was only twelve. Then again, he still acts it.” He eyed her carefully. “You sure you still want to come Sunday?”
    She studied him for a moment, taking in his sudden unease. “Only if you want me to.”
    “I do,” he said. “Just be prepared to be smothered by my mom and teased by my asshole brothers and best friend. You’re going to hate it.”
    “I’ve never been smothered by a mother before.”
    His head snapped up, his eyes apologetic. “I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me.”
    “That’s okay.” Understanding he didn’t mean anything by it, she slid a piece of egg into her mouth, chewed, then swallowed. “Does she smother all the girls you guys bring home?”
    “No, none of us have ever—”
    “You’ve never brought a girl home?” Her heart thumped, but she knew better than to read too much into things. She wasn’t going to get her hopes up that there could be more between them, only to have it shattered when he left town. She knew she wasn’t the kind of girl people kept around for any length of time. Soon enough, he’d be on the road again. She reached for her coffee, needing the caffeine to clear her head.
    He shrugged it off. “Sam was being a shit, and I kind of got roped into it.”
    Danielle nodded and sipped her coffee as she worked to rein in her emotions.
    “I know what you did yesterday at the college,” Jack said.
    She stared at him over the rim of her cup. Did he have any idea how good he was at redirecting a conversation?
    She schooled her features into polite professionalism. “What did I do yesterday?” she asked, even though she was fully aware that she’d played counselor and coaxed him into opening up to her.
    “You dug around inside my head.”
    “Me?” she asked, feigning innocence, her mind racing back to their conversation about his career, and her talk with Liam after Jack had left. Jack hadn’t come right out and told her that he didn’t want counseling. But she was intelligent enough to know he wasn’t comfortable with the idea. She really hoped that he wouldn’t get upset and tell her she’d overstepped boundaries. But

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