
Free NotoriousWoman by Annabelle Weston

Book: NotoriousWoman by Annabelle Weston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annabelle Weston
showing their new foreman his quarters. You didn’t get like that
from one kiss, and she would know.
    Oh yes, a romance was budding all right. Jolie couldn’t be
happier. Except she didn’t dare question Kate about Jake. Her sister would dig
in with both feet and deny her attraction until her dying day.
    Her sister deserved a man. A good man.
    Jake Madden could be that man. He was so handsome and kind
of sweet. He’d powerful shoulders and a strong grip. Most of all he had a
steady manner, which was exactly what Kate needed.
    Convincing Kate would be a trial. Her sister was dead set
against any attachments. Kate’s attitude didn’t mean Jolie couldn’t give Jake a
little nudge in her sister’s direction. She’d just have to wait any objections
out as she pushed the two of them together at every possible opportunity.
    She tapped on the bunkhouse door with a chipped fingernail.
She wished her nails were trimmed and painted and free of calluses, like most
of the other girls her age in town. While they were all prattling on about this
or that gentleman caller, the Saturday night dance at the Grange Hall or the
newest fabric and whatnot that Mr. Finney displayed at the mercantile, she was
out here shoveling manure. What she wouldn’t give for one of those fancy
dresses from back East she’d seen this morning or a new bonnet trimmed in
matching lace at the milliner’s shop around the corner. How she lusted after
these things—which was her right as a woman.
    Jolie huffed. So much had changed since Pa had died. She
didn’t blame Kate, she really didn’t. Their luck had been rotten of late but
she had the notion their luck was about to change.
    She knocked again.
    “Who’s there?” Jake croaked like a frog.
    “Jolie. Can I come in? I’ve brought you some food.” She
opened the door and stepped inside.
    Jake was stretched out on a lower bunk, boots and all. He
was as long as the bed and a sight to see. The whiskey bottle used for
medicinal purposes was on the floor on its side.
    “Here’s something hot to eat. I made a nice venison stew.”
    His eyes fixed on the offered meal and he sat up. “That
smells mighty good. To be honest, I’m, not that fond of cold beans and jerky.”
    “Don’t try to get up,” she said. “You can use this table.”
She put the steaming bowl down and scooted it toward him. She sat on the bunk
opposite him and watched him pick up the spoon.
    He took small bites at first and then dug into the stew.
Jolie was relieved the blow hadn’t lessened his appetite. She surely did like
to see a man enjoy his feed.
    “Your sister was right. You are a good cook,” he said
between bites.
    She was delighted he was so easy-natured and wasn’t going to
hold a bump and a few bruises against them. It didn’t take long before he was
scraping the sides of the bowl. He licked the spoon and dropped it inside.
    “That was tasty. I appreciate you bringing it.” Jake
regarded the empty bowl. “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”
    “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll go get you some more.”
    “No, I’ve had enough.”
    “Is there something else I can get for you?”
    He set the bowl on the table, the spoon rattling inside, and
fell back on the bed. He eyed her warily as if she were a mountain lion
stalking prey. “I’m set for the evening,” he said.
    Jolie shouldn’t stay. Jake had to be dog-tired but her
question couldn’t wait until morning. “Why are you here, Jake?”
    He wiped his mouth off with a swipe of his arm. When he
touched the bruise, he winced.
    Jolie winced too.
    He licked the corner of his mouth. “I need the work and you
need the help.”
    She nodded. “You’re right about that.”
    He didn’t say anything about leaving.
    She smiled. “My sister can be short-tempered at times. I
hope you’ll be able to see she’s really a very good person. She can be
kindhearted, just you wait and see, and she’s the most generous person you’ll
ever meet.”
    Jake regarded

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