Always I'Ll Remember

Free Always I'Ll Remember by Rita Bradshaw

Book: Always I'Ll Remember by Rita Bradshaw Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Bradshaw
things to change.
    The uproar had sent Wilbert and Clara diving for cover, but at the end of the commotion it was Nora who had conceded defeat. She knew only too well that her daughter could get lodgings anywhere for a great deal less than fifteen shillings, and she was not about to cut off her nose to spite her face.
    When Abby turned the corner of Trimdon Street, she saw James waiting for her. Her heart leaped but she continued walking steadily towards him without a change of expression. She’d already made a fool of herself by all but declaring she thought she was his lass; she had to be circumspect this evening, however she was feeling inside.
    ‘Hello.’ He came striding to meet her, his face one big smile, and in spite of all Abby had told herself she found the blood was singing through her veins. She couldn’t prevent her voice from trembling a little as she greeted him, but she hoped he hadn’t noticed.
    He looked so handsome but he seemed almost a stranger. The formal business suit he wore for the office had been replaced by a fine tweed jacket and beautifully cut Oxford bags and suede shoes.
    ‘Father’s partner is on call tonight so I’ve got the car,’ he said happily. ‘How about we try the Regal in Holmeside? I understand they’re showing The Lady Vanishes. Do you like Alfred Hitchcock?’
    Abby wasn’t about to admit the only time she had been to a picture palace since the penny matinees as a child was when her father had taken her and Wilbert to see The Bride of Frankenstein three years before, on her brother’s birthday. And then it hadn’t been anywhere so grand as the Regal, the most luxurious cinema in Sunderland. She simply nodded, saying, ‘Aye, yes I do,’ her cheeks pink.
    ‘Good.’ He smiled at her. And then, his voice faintly throaty, he said, ‘I’m glad you haven’t had your hair cut in one of those bob things all the girls seem to go for these days.’ His eyes moved to the thick shining coil of hair at the back of her head. ‘It would be a crime to spoil it.’
    ‘Thank you.’ She was even pinker.
    He cleared his throat and took her elbow as they began walking to where he had parked his father’s Austin 7. ‘I’ve wanted to ask you to come out with me one evening from the day you came for the interview but I didn’t dare hope you felt the same as me.’
    Abby found herself too taken aback - more from the look on his face than the words themselves - to reply for a moment. And then, reminding herself he might just be being kind after her remark about him being her lad, she said, ‘Well, you did in the end - ask me out, I mean.’
    They reached the car but James did not immediately open the passenger door. Instead he drew her gently round to face him, looking down into the velvet brown of her eyes. ‘I’d promised myself I wouldn’t rush things, Abby, but I want you to know - well, what I mean is, I really like you.’ And then he shook his head, his voice wry as he said, ‘I’m making a right mess of this, aren’t I?’ He took a deep breath. ‘I think I’m trying to say that even if your mother isn’t too happy about you walking out with someone, I hope that won’t stop you seeing me.’
    She stared at him, and the silence stretched. He fiddled with the collar of his shirt, looking uncomfortable. It was enough for Abby to pull herself together. ‘No, it won’t.’ She smiled widely.
    ‘Good.’ He grinned at her. ‘For a minute there I thought I’d said the wrong thing.’ He squeezed her hand, his eyes still on her face even as he opened the car door and settled her inside the vehicle.
    Abby looked at James as he walked round the bonnet of the car and he was still grinning like a Cheshire cat. She bit hard on her bottom lip to stop herself doing the same. Here she was sitting in an automobile for the first time in her life and James Benson wanted her to be his lass! This was going to be a lovely

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