Dark Companions

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Book: Dark Companions by Ramsey Campbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ramsey Campbell
as she thinks. You laugh silently. You can afford to. When the flame steadies you can see darkness gaping for inches around the laboratory door.
    You listen to their voices upstairs, and rest. You know he’s a butcher, because he once helped one of the servants to carry the meat from the village. In any case, you could have told his profession from what he has done to you. You’re still astonished that she should have taken up with him. From the little you knew of the village people you were delighted that they avoided your house.
    You remember the day the new priest came to see you. You could tell he’d heard all the wildest village tales about your experiments. You were surprised he didn’t try to ward you off with a cross. When he found you could argue his theology into a corner, he left, a twitch pulling his smile awry. He’d tried to persuade both of you to attend church, but your wife sat silent throughout. It had been then that you decided to trust her to go to the village. As you paid off the servants you told yourself she would be less likely to talk. You grin fiercely. If you’d been as inaccurate in your experiments you would be dead.
    Upstairs they’re still talking. You rock forward and try to wedge yourself between the cellar door and its frame. With your limited control it’s difficult, and you find yourself leaning in the crack without any purchase on the wood. Your weight hasn’t moved the door, which is heavier than you have ever before had cause to realise. Eventually you manage to wedge yourself in the crack, gripping the frame with all your strength. The door rests on you, and you nudge your weight clumsily against it.
    It creaks away from you a little, then swings back, crushing you. It has always hung unevenly and persisted in standing ajar; it never troubled you before. Now the strength he left you, even focused like light through a burning-glass, seems unequal to shifting the door. Trapped in the crack, you relax for a moment. Then, as if to take it unawares, you close your grip on the frame and shove against the door, pushing yourself forward as it swings away.
    It comes back, answering the force of your shove, and you aren’t clear. But you’re still falling into the hall, and as the door chops into the frame you fall on your back, beyond the sweep of the door. You’re free of the cellar, but on your back you’re helpless. The slowing door can move more than you can. All the muscles you’ve been using can only work aimlessly and loll in the air. You’re laid out on the hall floor like a laboratory subject, beneath the steadying flame.
    Then you hear the butcher call to your wife “I’ll see” and start downstairs.
    You begin to twitch all the muscles on your right side frantically. You roll a little towards that side, then your wild twitching rocks you back. The flame shakes above you, making your shadow play the cruel trick of achieving the movement you’re struggling for. He’s at the halfway landing now. You work your right side again and hold your muscles still as you begin to turn that way. Suddenly you’ve swung over your point of equilibrium and are lying on your right side. You strain your aching muscles to inch you forward, but the laboratory is several feet away, and you’re by no means moving in a straight line. His footsteps resound. Then you hear your wife’s terrified voice, entreating him back. There’s a long pondering silence. Then he hurries back upstairs.
    You don’t let yourself rest until you’re inside the laboratory, although by then your ache feels like a cold stiff surface within your flesh and your mouth tastes like a dusty hole in stone. Once beyond the door you sit still, gazing about. Moonlight is spread from the window to the door. Your gaze seeks the bench where you were working when he found you. He hasn’t cleared up any of the material your convulsions threw to the floor. Glinting on the floor you can see a needle, and nearby the surgical

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