Jenna's Cowboy

Free Jenna's Cowboy by Sharon Gillenwater

Book: Jenna's Cowboy by Sharon Gillenwater Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Gillenwater
Tags: FIC042040
at his side and fists clenched, watching a small but loud group of cowboys and their ladies about fifty yards away. “Looks like they’ve gone through a few six packs already,” she said.
    “More than a few.”
    “They’re keeping to themselves. Other than being loud, they aren’t bothering anybody.”
    “And they’d better not.” He seemed to realize how tense he was. Uncurling his fists, he shook his arms a little, then tucked his thumbs in the pockets of his jeans. He turned toward Zach, but his gaze darted in the rowdies’ direction every few minutes. Jenna had the feeling that if any of them decided to wander their way, they would regret it.
    A short, slightly plump blonde and a stocky man walking down the hill drew her attention. Lindsey Moore had been a good friend since junior high, and a closer one since Jenna had moved back home. But she didn’t know the man with her.
    Lindsey waved. “Hi, y’all.” When she reached them, she gave Nate a quick hug. “Welcome home.”
    “Thanks. You’re lookin’ pretty as ever.”
    She laughed, swishing the crinkly skirt of her apple green sundress with the tips of her fingers. “Wider than when you last saw me, but thanks for the compliment. This is my cousin Roger from Sweetwater. We’re having a little family reunion this weekend.”
    Jenna raised one eyebrow. Lindsey came from a very large family. “How little?”
    “There will only be seventy-five of us this year. Aunt Liz and her brood couldn’t make it this time.”
    Lindsey introduced Nate and Jenna to her cousin, and they shook hands. “I was giving him a tour of town and spotted you. I couldn’t pass up the chance to say hello. How long will you be home?”
    “Probably till I’m old and gray.” Nate’s gaze slid to Jenna for a second before he smiled at Lindsey. “I didn’t re-up, so I’m a free man.”
    “Well, thank you for your service. Roger enlisted in the navy last week.”
    “Good for you. I thought about the navy,” said Nate, “but the one time I’d ridden a ferry boat—the only thing I’ve ever been on bigger than a ski boat—I got seasick. So I figured I’d better stick with good ol’ terra firma.”
    “I worked on a fishing boat for a while out of Corpus Christi, so I think I’ll be all right on the water,” Roger said.
    “Mama, swing!”
    “Oops. I’m falling down on the job. Excuse me.” Jenna walked back around behind the swing, giving it a push. Lind-sey followed her.
    “Lindsey tells me you won a Silver Star.” Roger’s voice held both awe and eagerness.
    “I didn’t do any more than anybody else would have done. I was in the right place at the right time. Where do you go for basic?”
    “The Great Lakes Naval Training Center on the shore of Lake Michigan. It’s halfway between Chicago and Milwaukee.”
    Nate continued to ask Roger questions about his upcoming training, deftly deflecting the conversation away from himself.
    “He doesn’t like to talk about it, does he?” murmured Lindsey.
    “No. He’s embarrassed by all the fuss.”
    “I saw you two, or I should say three, at the parade.” Lindsey had her back to Nate and spoke softly so he wouldn’t hear. “So what’s the scoop?”
    “You know we’ve all been friends forever. Hanging out with us is normal. Dad hired him to work part-time at the ranch. The rest of the time he’ll be helping his folks on the farm. This afternoon, they’ve been going over the plans for the roundup.”
    “But he’s down here with you. Not up in the shade with Chance and the rest of the family.”
    “He has a lot of pent-up energy. I don’t think he’s used to relaxing much. And he likes Zach.”
    “And you.”
    “We’re only friends, Lin.” Jenna caught Zach’s hat when he tilted his head back to look up at her. The motion of the swing took him away, so she let him go without it for a little while.
    “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.”
    Maybe. Sometimes when Nate looked at her, her pulse

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