Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C.

Free Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C. by Michelle Woods

Book: Taming Lucca: Red Devils M.C. by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
without looking back at him. Bones settled in the chair to wait, watching her as she slept.

Chapter 9  
    Molly was awakened later to the sound of voices talking in the other room. She lay still, not knowing where she was. The bed beneath her was soft, and a pillow was propped beneath her head. She looked around seeing that she was in what appeared to be a man’s room. It was rustic almost bare, with deep cherry toned furniture Several pairs of jeans, and a set of boots lay on the floor near a half open door were she could just make out clothes hanging up on the bar. A half used box of condoms was on the nightstand which caused her to blush. There was a dresser made of cherry along one wall with bullets littered across it as well as more condoms and a wallet.
    She remembered passing out in the diner with th e man holding her. Her head was filled with hazy memories that she’d been in a truck, but otherwise, she was unsure how she’d ended up in a man’s bed. Running a hand over her stomach, which itched, she realized that someone had removed most of her clothing. She was only wearing a shirt and her underwear under the thick quilt made with dark blue tones. Panic filled her. Where were her clothes? Had they drugged her? Was that why she felt fuzzy on the details of how she got here? Struggling to sit up, she found that she was exhausted by the effort. Falling back to rest against the wide blacked wood headboard, she wondered what was going on, fearfully.
    The voices from downstairs had faded and she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Molly wanted to jump from the bed find something to wear and run. But she wasn’t even able to sit up before she was too exhausted to do anything, but wait. The tall sexy man from the diner came into the room, his eyes seeking hers. He walked to the foot of the big bed, staring at her.
    “ Well now, good to see you’re awake.” She watched him wearily, he sat down on the bed by her feet. She didn’t speak, just looked at him, clutching the covers to her chest. “Now, before you passed out and almost died of water poison. I was asking you some questions. Duck told me the way you were dressed when you came into the diner. There were stains on your jeans and your shit was ripped. Tell me did someone hurt you?” Bone eyes travel over her face while he spoke. “If they did, I promise to kill them slowly. And by the way, what the Fuck made you get water from the bathroom sink?”
    She blushed. That word had always embarrassed her. She had rarely heard it, except when the men on her maintenance team were referring to visiting whores in the blue sector when they thought she wasn’t around. Water poison? Was that why she was so fuzzy on the details, it must be.
    He continued without pausing. “Don’t you know that the water in most restaurants on the outskirts of a town have unfiltered water in the bathrooms due to the cost of having it filtered? It can’t make you sick unless you drink a lot of it, so why bother. Did you want to die after whatever happened, or something? You can tell me and if they hurt you, I’ll kill them.”
    Bone gaz ed at the tiny woman in his bed from where he sat near her feet, his hands lying in his lap to hide his dick, which strained against his zipper. She blushed bright a red when he’d said fuck, and he got a horrible feeling that his throbbing dick wasn’t getting anywhere near her anytime soon.
    As soon as he’d been told she wasn’t dying by Doc, his cock had been hard again. What was it about her that made him so horny? Now, that she was awake his dick was protesting not being able to drown in her hot little pussy. Right now though, he needed to know who she’d been running to or from. Not that it mattered. She wasn’t going anywhere, because she belonged to the Red Devils now, and what they owned they kept.
    He waited for her answer to his questions, and if someone had hurt her he would make them die slowly, while screaming. She was theirs

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