Elizabeth Meyette

Free Elizabeth Meyette by Loves Spirit

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Authors: Loves Spirit
journey toward Williamsburg. Jonathon had slept at first, the result of a sleeping draught Gates added to his ale. As they rode along, the men discussed different plans.
    “I believe the safest place for him now is aboard the
,” Gates said. “We are armed with enough cannon to repel the British now, and our function seems more and more to be defense rather than communications.”
    Randy grimaced, for he knew Gates was right, but he was reluctant to yield responsibility for his friend. Although he knew of a few places where Jonathon could be concealed, none of them would provide long-term safety. Virginia was becoming more and more violent as the war intensified. For now, they would bring Jonathon to a planter’s barn that had been transformed into a munitions supply site. He would be safe there for a couple of days, but the British troops marching through the colony were increasingly finding just such sites.
    “Yes, you are correct, Gates. Jonathon will be safer with you aboard the
than on Virginia’s soil,” he admitted.
    As they rode along this second night of the journey, the sky was clear, though high clouds scudded in from the west. Jonathon dozed and awoke intermittently, allowing Gates to provide nourishment as they traveled along. Despite the jouncing of the carriage, eating on a regular basis seemed to increase Jonathon’s strength, and he insisted on propping to a sitting position to help with the watch.
    The stillness of the night was interrupted with distant thunder, and Randy urged the horses to speed their pace. A light rain was falling as rose streaked the eastern sky, but the mild temperature deterred too much discomfort. Golden rays of the rising sun greeted their arrival at the munitions site. Hearing their approach, the planter came to check on the disturbance and greeted Randy heartily.
    “Randy! Good to see you, my friend. Who do we have here — my God, is that you, Jonathon?” the man exclaimed peering into the back of the wagon.
    “Stephen, this is Robert Gates, Jonathon’s first mate aboard the
,” Randy said. “Gates, this is Stephen Alcott.”
    The two men shook hands then turned to the carriage.
    “What I ask of you is dangerous, Stephen, for Jonathon must be concealed as he is wanted by the British,” Randy quickly explained.
    “Are we not all, we Sons of Liberty, wanted by the British?” Stephen laughed, clapping Randy on the back. “It would be an honor to aid you, Jonathon,” Stephen continued.
    The men lifted Jonathon from the back of the wagon and carefully carried him into the barn. They propped him against a grain sack as they unloaded the rest of the supplies, then created a mattress with hay and blankets and helped him to lie down. Exhausted from the trip and the pain it had caused, Jonathon gratefully lay back and closed his eyes. Before him he saw Emily, his love. He fought the tightness that gripped his throat and the desire that burned in his gut, for his longing for her was physical pain. Then her image transformed to Deidre, snarling, laughing, scratching his chest, and he opened his eyes. Gates had remained with him, and stood watching him now.
    “Emily must never know what happened,” Jonathon said through clenched teeth.
    “She will never know, Jonathon. But you must remember that her life was at stake. What transpired between you and Deidre was blackmail, and she forced you into it. You were trying to ensure Emily’s safety and that of your child,” Gates reminded him.
    Jonathon looked at his friend and tried to find comfort in his words, but a deep, guilty sorrow possessed him and he did not know how to be rid of it. He did know, however, that somehow Deidre would pay for what she had done. He swore to the stars she would pay.
    • • •
    Emily lived in constant fear and guilt wondering how she could get a message to Jonathon. Occasionally someone spotted the scarlet of a British uniform along the road or on the edge of the

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