Damaged: A Violated Trust (Secrets)

Free Damaged: A Violated Trust (Secrets) by Melody Carlson

Book: Damaged: A Violated Trust (Secrets) by Melody Carlson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Carlson
if you’re like other girls, you probably think it’s too greasy.”
    I laugh. “I love fish and chips.”
    “Really?” He grins at me. “See, I knew you were my kind of girl!”
    Thankfully, I wasn’t lying this time — I really do love fish and chips. And although I don’t order the same size basket as Harris, I don’t get the smallest one either. After a few minutes we are settled at a tiny wooden table, so close that our knees are touching and it feels like little sparks of electricity are flowing between us.
    “Do you like malt vinegar on yours?” Harris asks me.
    I really don’t, but because he’s generously pouring that brown stuff on his, I tell him I do. He hands me the bottle and I follow his lead by dousing my food, and the fumes coming up from the vinegar make my eyes water. I blink and take a bite, bracing myself for the bitterness and managing to keep a pleasant expression on my face.
    I wish I hadn’t done that — and I don’t even know why I did. It’s like I’m in second grade again, trying to be just like my new best friend. But how desperate and pathetic is that? Still, it’s like I can’t control myself. I so badly want this relationship to work and to last.
    “Have you always loved football?” I reach for my soda, longing for something sweet to wipe out the bitterness.
    “I guess. My dad is really into it. He started me playing when I was really little. And he still has the crazy idea that I can get a football scholarship.”
    “Can you?”
    He shakes his head. “I doubt it. You have to be really good.”
    “But you are really good.” I look into his eyes. “I was amazed at how good you are, Harris.”
    He chuckles. “Thanks. But we’re in a relatively small league. I just don’t think it measures up to some of the bigger ones.”
    “Would you even want to play college football?”
    He shrugs. “I don’t know.”
    “It seems like it can get dangerous.”
    “It’s pretty dangerous now. You hadn’t moved here yet, but early in the season a quarterback from our rival, Preston High, suffered a really nasty neck injury. He could’ve been a quadriplegic, but I heard he’s getting his hands back. Although he still hasn’t recovered the use of his legs, maybe never will.”
    “That’s terrible.”
    “You’re telling me.”
    “Do you like other sports?”
    “I like baseball. And I used to play soccer, but Dad thought it was a wuss sport.”
    I laugh. “I used to play soccer too. And I was on swim team for a while. I actually really liked that.”
    “I noticed a pool at your condo.”
    “Yeah, I’ve been swimming some laps.”
    His brows lift. “I’d like to see that.”
    “Me swimming laps?”
    “You in a swimsuit.”
    I smirk at him. “Well, you’d probably be disappointed since I wear my old team suit to swim laps.”
    “Hey, I happen to think those team suits are pretty sexy.”
    My cheeks grow warmer, but I just shake my head.
    “Is your pool open at night?”
    “Maybe we should take a dip after the movie.”
    I shrug. “I guess we could. But did you bring a suit?”
    “No, but my neighborhood’s not far from your condo. I could run and get it, and then we could have a moonlight swim.”
    I’m not sure how comfortable I am with this, but there’s no way I’m going to tell him no. “Why not?” I say as I look for a fry not drowning in vinegar.
    “Maybe we can do some racing. I’m not such a bad swimmer either.”
    “You’re on. But keep in mind I can be pretty competitive. You won’t hate me if I beat you, will you?”
    He laughs. “You are my kind of girl.”
    After fish and chips, we make it to the movie in time to get popcorn and drinks, which is a relief since I still have the taste of vinegar in my mouth. With the movie trailers playing, Harris navigates us to a row near the front. “I like to really experience it up close and personal,” he quietly tells me as we slip into our seats.
    Before long our movie starts and,

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