Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)

Free Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2) by J Kahele

Book: Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2) by J Kahele Read Free Book Online
Authors: J Kahele
picked him up, raising him over his head, and flung him across the fence. “Get the fuck out of here.”
    Millen grunted as he stood up and brushed himself off. “Fuck you, Victor,” he snarled, then stomped away.
    I could see the rage as Victor turned towards the party. “Everyone out, now! Party over!” The others quickly dispersed out the gate.
    Vince released me. “You alright, man?”
    “Yeah,” I murmured as I straightened my shirt.
    Violet walked up to me, crossing her arms and shaking her head. “Why did you hit him?”
    “Are you kidding? He was being disrespectful to you,” I answered defensively.
    “I can take care of myself, Chain, you shouldn’t have hit him.”
    A hand touched my shoulder and I looked up to Victor standing beside me. “Vi, the guy was saying stupid shit. What did you expect Chain to do?”
    Violet’s face twisted into a scowl. “Walk away; words never killed anyone.”
    “He touched your ass, Vi. And Chain did walk away, but Millen wouldn’t shut his pie hole. He deserved to get his face smashed in, give Chain a break. Millen’s a fucking asshole,” Vince added.
    David patted Violet’s shoulder. “I have to agree with them, Violet, if Millen had touched my wife that way, I would have knocked his head off.”
    “I’m not Chain’s wife,” she snapped. I didn’t know why but her words hurt me.  She turned and walked towards the back door and I rushed after her.
    I reached for her arm, pulling her back. “Violet, please, I’m sorry I lost my temper.”
    She yanked her arm away. “Chain, I have dealt with two brothers beating up every man that came near me, I won’t deal with it when it comes to my boyfriend. I can take care of myself!”  
    I understood her anger and I wanted so badly to tell her, to make her understand mine. But that would mean bringing up Phillip again, reminding her of the incident, and it was not something I would ever do. I wanted to erase Phillip in her mind, not bring him back to the surface. I bowed my head, staring down at the ground, biting my lip.
    “You are right, I should have just walked away. I completely apologize.”
    I felt a hand rub my shoulder and I looked up to see Violet’s concerned eyes. “This is about Phillip, isn’t it?” How did she know?
    Confused, I shook and nodded my head at the same time.  
    Her eyes gleamed with distress. “Oh, Chain, I’m so stupid, I should have known.”      
    “You are not stupid, you are the smartest woman I know. I should have told you, I just didn’t want to bring him up again,” I said bitterly. Just thinking about Phillip left a bad taste in my mouth, much less saying his name out loud!
    She wrapped her arms around my neck. “I knew you were angry with Phillip for what he did, but I didn’t know how much it really affected you.”
    “It did affect me and still affects me. When you hurt, I hurt.” It was the truth, when he violated Violet, he also violated me. Her suffering was my suffering also.
    She curled her arms around my neck. “I love you.”
    I smiled, stringing my arms around her waist and pulling her to me. “I love you, Violet, more than you will ever know.”
    She gave me a quick peck on the lips. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
    We drove back to the house and sat around watching a movie. When the movie ended, I gave Violet a quick kiss and sauntered off to bed as she sat on the couch. This was the time I dreaded the most, her waiting till I was asleep before she would crawl into bed. I missed holding her, her falling asleep in my arms. But it was something I had to deal with. She had a lot going on in her head after what Phillip had done to her and I had to accept it, whether I liked it or not.
    “Patience,” I mumbled to myself. I walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind me.
    Chapter 2.5 - Violet
    After work, I drove over to Chain’s house. He had called earlier and told me he would be late, something about a last-minute

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