Crushing Desire

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Book: Crushing Desire by April Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Dawn
Tags: Romance
tone to Michael, but Joshua couldn’t hear her words. His eyes met Reena’s, and he was struck by their unique color. They appeared blue-grey in the shade of the gazebo. They appeared to change color with her mood, or perhaps the lighting. Some moments they were sky blue, most often when she laughed. Sometimes they looked green, or a combination of the three colors, but always they were as intriguing as the woman to whom they belonged.
    Her brows drew together, and her eyes filled with pleading that begged him to walk away. Joshua wanted to say no, to stay and teach this pup not to poke the lion, but the look she gave him tore at his heart. He nodded, his gaze leaving hers and meeting Michael’s. Joshua filled his stare with a warning, but his words were appropriately contrite.
    “Of course, we will speak later. There is always time for us to talk later.”
    Michael stiffened and Joshua couldn’t help but smirk. He turned and walked toward the manor house.
    Reena was horrified by Joshua’s timing. She’d remembered Emily’s words from before as they’d sat in the small gazebo, Emily feigning sleep on the nearby bench. Her suggestion that Reena consider her suitors had been far more painful than Reena had expected. She’d imagined herself sitting with Michael this way while their children played in the gardens nearby. That was the moment when Joshua had shown himself. Though she hadn’t enjoyed it, it was as though her betrayal in thought had called him to her. Reena put it out of her head best she could and enjoyed her visit with Michael, who’d been kind to her in all things and didn’t warrant disrespect.
    “Well, I must be going,” Michael said some time later, rubbing his hands against his thighs as he stood. “I shall see you soon for our picnic.”
    He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it lightly.
    “That would be lovely.” Despite her words, her mind still lingered on Joshua.
    Moments later, Reena watched as Michael rode away in his carriage, Emily at her side.
    “Emily, would you give me some time alone with Joshua?”
    Emily gazed over at her for a moment, a frown creasing her forehead. “Are you certain you wish to be alone? I could make rounds.” That was their term for Emily coming every so often to check on Reena, keeping her safe without interrupting her visit. “You know I’ll never abandon you, Reena. Men will profess love, propose, and dance a jig, whatever it takes to make a girl compromise her virtue for him.”
    “No, we both know Joshua would never try such tactics with me. I trust him. He would not hurt me, and he has no designs upon my person.”
    “If you need me, you shout.” They turned toward the manor, seeing that Joshua stood in the shadows of the gazebo watching them.
    Half an hour later, Emily dozed in a chair in the gardens while Joshua walked with Reena by the nearby stream.
    “I suppose you are curious about why I came.” He still held the weighty box that he’d arrived with. He motioned her to a fallen log, laying his overcoat upon it, and they sat.
    Reena stared into his eyes, wishing that she could be someone different. Someone that he could want, need, and love. Someone like his petite wife had been. She wanted to be a dark haired beauty, full of grace and style, but she knew she could only be herself, and truth told, she liked who she was on the inside.
    “I’m always delighted when you come to visit, no matter the reason.” Reena examined the box he held.
    He looked down, his hands moving to untie the string that held the package closed.
    “I thought you might like to see the chess set that I bought.”
    Reena turned to face him more fully, bringing her hands together in front of her.
    “I should love to see the chess set.” She bit her lip, clasping her suddenly trembling hands together in her lap. She would at last see the queen that reminded him of her.
    He pulled a chessboard out of the box. The hand painted colors were

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