Crushing Desire

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Book: Crushing Desire by April Dawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Dawn
Tags: Romance
there, and a small sense of loss came over him.
    “So, what do you say, old boy?” asked Howard.
    Joshua realized that he’d given up entirely on paying attention to what Howard was saying. Howard seldom conducted any actual business in their meetings, preferring instead to share stories and gossip.
    Better honest than misinformed . Joshua shrugged.
    “Sorry Howard, my mind got away from me. What were you asking?”
    Howard smirked, and for an instant, Joshua thought that Howard knew well what he’d been thinking.
    “I was asking if you would come with us on a picnic by the river. Ms. Benton and Reena have prepared a charming afternoon, and I’m sure they would be keen to have you along. Though the picnic is planned for Saturday night, and I realize that three days is short notice. I understand if you are already engaged for the evening.” Howard leaned forward, waiting for the answer.
    “I believe that I am free that evening.” Joshua stood from his chair, followed by Howard, and they moved toward the door.
    An afternoon with Reena was just what he needed. In the sunshine, her hair glowed gold, and her laughter was a bit brighter. In the moonlight, she glowed ethereally. She was not one for the darkest shadows; that was obvious.
    “Six o’clock, I shall see you then, my friend,” Howard told Joshua as he opened the door.

    Chapter Eight


    The next morning, Joshua returned for a visit with Reena. He’d thought about her through the evening, vivid images of their stolen kiss plagued him, robbing him of sleep. He approached the front of the estate and noticed three figures sitting in the gazebo. Reena straightened, her eyes widening as he moved toward them.
    “Good afternoon, Mr. Sinclair,” Reena said. Emily sat dozing on one of the three benches in the gazebo, but her eyes flew open at the sound of Reena’s greeting. “How are you this morning?”
    Michael sat on the bench across from Reena, frowning. Joshua stopped by the gazebo, ignoring the venom shooting from Michael Dubois’s stare. Joshua held the sizeable box that contained the ivory chess set he’d purchased during his trip to town when he’d ran into Reena. He’d wanted to show Reena the set and perhaps teach her the game. Also, though he was loath to admit it to himself, he’d missed her. Ever since he’d kissed her, he had wanted to speak to her about it. He thought of her more and more these days. His resolution to stay away for her own good, and his statements to himself that he was only fascinated by a sweet girl because she was interesting and quirky, were losing their ability to deter him. All the mental reminders that she was far too young for him now seemed to be thin as eggshell and were starting to crack.
    “Good evening, Miss Harrison, Monsieur Dubois.” He nodded curtly.
    Joshua’s gaze lingered on her hair for a moment, which had been twisted atop her head then dropped to her full lips. A work of art—sensual and inviting. They seemed to beg to be kissed.
    “Can we help you, Sinclair?” Michael’s stiff posture said much more than his words.
    Joshua drew his gaze from Reena and glanced at Michael.
    “I came to speak with Miss Harrison for a moment. She and I had discussed something the other day, and I had intended to continue that discussion.” Joshua fought a smile as Michael huffed, slapping a thigh.
    “Well, Sir.” Michael stood and puffed out his chest. “I believe you can find another person to discuss your troubles with. You see, I am visiting with her now, and I am sure you wouldn’t want to interrupt such a happy occasion.”
    Joshua took a step forward and broadened his shoulders. He knew he should walk away, but this direct challenge was more than he could ignore.
    “Mr. Sinclair, if you wouldn’t mind.” Reena jumped up, insinuating herself between the men. “I’m sure you have some words to speak to my uncle first. We can finish our talk later, perhaps after supper?”
    Emily spoke in a low

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