Chase (Prairie Grooms, Book Four)

Free Chase (Prairie Grooms, Book Four) by Kit Morgan

Book: Chase (Prairie Grooms, Book Four) by Kit Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Morgan
looked at Chase and smiled. “Perhaps we should marry right away,” she suggested. “After two weeks of this you may not want to wed me.”
    He gazed at her as his eyes roamed her face in a languid manner. “No Miss Lena,” he said, his voice soft. “On the contrary, I think I'm gonna enjoy getting to know you very much.”
    Lena sucked in a breath, not used to being caressed by a mere look. Her heart skipped a beat as he continued to stare at her, his eyes mapping her face, her body, as she sat still as a statue and watched him. She had no doubt that in a very short time Chase Adams was capable of learning her well.

    Lena was on the verge of squirming in her chair, when the men from the posse arrived with the injured man. They carried him into the house on a crude stretcher and took him to the patient room in the back. Lena and Apple both craned their necks to see past Chase and get a glimpse of the patient, but Chase moved to block their view. He glanced over his shoulder at them as the men passed, moving his body from right to left until they were out of sight. “This isn't something the two of you should see,” he told them. “I best take you back to the hotel. But first let me go see if Grandma needs anything.”
    “Is he… dead ?” asked Apple.
    “ Don't rightly know, but I aim to find out,” he said as he left the parlor and disappeared down the hall.
    Lena turned to her sister. “What is the matter with you?”
    “ It was just a question,” retorted Apple.
    “ Yes, but you’ve asked that same question far too many times.”
    “ I'm sorry Lena, I don't know what's come over me.”
    “ You’re reckless,” said Lena. “But I suppose I don't blame you. I can't imagine what it's like to know that your intended is gone. In fact, I don't know how you can stand to sit in the same room with my betrothed and myself and not be sick of heart.”
    “ My heart was hopeful because I was going to be married. Not crushed because I already was,” Apple reminded her.
    Le na smiled, stood, and went to where Apple sat. She reached down and took her sister’s hands in her own, pulled her up, and hugged her. “My dear, sweet Apple. Your outlook on life astounds me at times. I wish I shared it.”
    “Of course you share it, we’re sisters aren't we?”
    Lena released her as she smiled and nodded. “And I'm so glad we are, I don't know what I would do without you.”
    “You'd have Fina all to yourself the n. Speaking of which, I wonder if she and Cousin Imogene are having tea yet?”
    “ We’d better be getting back.” She turned toward the hall just as Chase came back into the parlor. “Are we ready to leave now?”
    He nodded. “Yes, there's nothing I can do here, though I wish there was. The man they brought back is in a bad way.”
    “ Is he going to live?” asked Lena, her voice full of compassion.
    “ Doc Waller's not sure, but he’s going to try his best to see that he does. Poor devil went too long without water.”
    “ Isn't there another doctor in town?” asked Apple. “You mentioned him before didn't you?”
    “ Yes there is, but Doc Waller just told me he went to Oregon City with Mr. and Mrs. Van Cleet, and won't be back for a week or two.” He held his arm out to Lena. “Shall we?”
    She smiled, gave Apple a side-ways glance, and then took it.
    “Lena! You’re blushing!” announced Apple with glee.
    Lena, at this point, didn't even try to correct her sister. Instead she began to smile as did Chase, and together they left the Waller's. Their smiling abruptly stopped when they reached the street and noticed the rest of the posse riding into town. Chase put a hand over hers, tightened his grip, and drew her closer to his body. He leaned down to her ear. “I'm going to take the two of you back to the hotel and leave you with your family. Then I’d better talk with the sheriff and see if they need any help. I'm sure their horses are going to need tending

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