Chase (Prairie Grooms, Book Four)

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Book: Chase (Prairie Grooms, Book Four) by Kit Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kit Morgan
    Chase let go of Lena's arm and grabbed Constance before she could run past him. “Hold on there,” he told her as he swung her around to face him. “You'd best stay here until your husband gets back to town. Let him be the one to identify the man.”
    “He's not dead is he ?” she asked, her voice hoarse.
    “ No ma'am, but he's been through a lot, and he doesn't look good at all.” He glanced at each of the women in turn. “Now I don't know how tough you ladies seem to think you are, but if it were left up to me, none of ya would see him. Not yet anyway.”
    Constance put her hands to her mouth as she gasped. “Is he that bad?”
    “ Yes ma'am, I’m afraid so,” he said. “Now why don't you go back inside and get re-acquainted with your cousins. As soon as I see any sign of Ryder, I’ll come fetch ya.”
    Constance looked at Lena and Apple. “I'm so sorry, where are my manners?” She grabbed Lena to her in a fierce hug. “It's good to see you Cousin. It's been so long.” She released her and turned to Apple. “You've grown up.”
    Apple looked at herself and brushed the skirt of dress. “We all do.”
    Lena took Constance by the arm. “Come along, let's go inside and talk.”
    She looked over her shoulder at Chase, with what he swore was a look of longing. It made his heart race. He tipped his hat, then crossed the street as the women went into the hotel. Sheriff Hughes stopped him. “Some of the boys ran their horses pretty hard out there, son. Looks like we’re gonna keep you busy for a few days.”
    “Did Ryder and Seth return with you?”
    “ No, they stopped off at Ryder’s place to see what supplies they might be needin’ when he takes his wife home.”
    “I be t you're mad as a rattler comin’ back to town empty-handed. I'm sorry you didn’t have much luck out there.”
    “ I've had better weeks, I’ll attest to that. I see we’ve had some additions to our fair town while we were gone,” he said as he nodded toward the hotel.
    Chase smiled and followed his gaze. ‘That we do Sheriff,” he said. “And they're very pretty.”
    The sheriff let go a heavy sigh. “Poor Sam never even got to lay eyes on his new bride. Blasted shame that.” He shook his head, his eyes full of sadness. “Poor little thing he left behind is probably fretting somethin’ awful.”
    “ I don't know about that,” said Chase with a chuckle. “She seems to have recovered from the shock quite well.”
    “ Resilient,” commented the sheriff. “That's the kind of women we need out here. I'm sure Sadie Cooke will find a replacement in no time.” He slapped Chase on the back, turned, and headed back toward his office.
    Chase watched him go a moment then went to the livery stable. Horses already occupied three out of six stalls. Chase took a deep breath, rolled up his sleeves, and set to work. From the looks of it, each horse had lost a shoe. As he led the first horse out of its stall, he wondered what Lena and the others were doing at the hotel. He kept bringing to mind the look on her face, the one that told him, don't go, stay with me and talk a while … He began to wonder how he was going to manage that with all the work he had now. Almost a dozen men had returned, and more would be coming. He'd end up working on at least half of their mounts, considering the rough terrain they'd been in. How was he to manage going out to the Triple C with this much work? When would he have a chance to see Lena?
    “Ah , there’s a good lad. I see you’re taking care o’ Grady first.” Chase looked up from the hoof he'd been working on and grinned as Bran O’Hare entered the livery. “Hello Deputy,” he said. “Where'd Grady lose his shoe?”
    “Comin’ back down the ridge, which is lucky. Poor Henry's horse lost his going up.”
    Chase released the horse’s leg and stood. “Shame that,” he said. “The way Henry came riding into town earlier, I wouldn’t doubt if his horse is lame by

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