Seduced 2

Free Seduced 2 by P.A. Jones

Book: Seduced 2 by P.A. Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.A. Jones
keeper, actually, and that made me feel guilty. What I was thinking about him at first was no longer valid. I thought it would be easy to trick him and get him working for me, and that wouldn’t make me evil as he was already a bad person. But looking at that now, it’s wasn’t gonna work. I’m the evil person here, and I should tell him that. Yes, I should tell him the truth, maybe right now. I gathered all my courage to tell him the truth once he came back. My muscles tightened as I heard him coming inside.
    “Please come in.” He was bringing someone with him. Who could it be? Why did someone have to come now, when I have gathered the strength to tell him the truth.
    “Thanks a lot, Tristan. Look what I bought for us.” A familiar voice followed. It was definitely Trisha. What the fuck she is doing here? And why did Tristan have to entertain her again and again.
    I was right. Tristan was followed by Trisha. She was wearing an even more revealing dress than she’d had on earlier this morning. What’s up with this girl?
    “I bought a couple of movie tickets for us. Nicholas Spark’s latest ...” she said without noticing me. But when she noticed me, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, “I’m sorry If I’m disturbing you.”
    “No, that’s fine.” Tristan said innocently while I looked at him with fiery eyes. Why the hell did he say it’s fine? It’s of course not at all fine with me. The vein on my forehead was shooting upward. The little lady was getting on my nerves again and again.
    “So are you coming to the movie with me?” Her face lightened.
    “I’m sorry, Trisha, but I have plans with Nikki this evening, and we’ve already watched half of  that movie on the TV.”
    “If you want you can go, Tristan. I’ve got some work to do and I have to leave,” I said in angst. I didn’t like the way he was treating her and entertaining her. Moreover, I wasn’t liking my own jealousy towards Trisha. I was clear that the sex between us was just a mere tool for me to get to him and get him working for me, but in the last few days, the table had turned on me and I was hoping for more out of this. No, it’s not gonna work. I’ve got to get out of here.
    “But, Nikki, I thought we were going to spend the evening together.” His face changed colors. He was really hoping for that.
    “Maybe some other time.”
    “Are you sure?”
    “Yup, sorry for the bummer,” I said, looking away. I was hoping to spend more time with him, too, but the mood was ruined by Trisha.
    I went inside and changed into my clothes. I took Tristan’s shirt with me. I wanted to dry clean it and give it back to him. I’d smelled it once, and it smelled so much like him.
    I walked out when Trisha was taking some snacks out on the table. It seems that she’d prepared some food for him. My cake was still there. Where is it going, really? Why am I so concerned about him?
    Tristan came to walk me outside.
    “Just to let you know, I’m not watching that movie with anyone else. We will plan the same evening some other time.” He smiled, as he kissed my cheek.
    “Thanks, but you don’t have to. You can go with her if you want.” My heart was crying and saying, No, you can’t go with anyone else . But my brain and mouth worked in the opposite way.
    “No, that’s not happening.”
    I waved him goodbye and walked outside of the gate.
    “Hey, wait.” He came running to me. “Take this.” He took out a key and gave it to me.
    “What is this?” I couldn’t understand what was it.
    “Spare key to my house. And before you say something, it’s not like when we are in a relationship. You are a true friend and you can come and stay here anytime. No ties attached.” He smiled.
    “Thanks.” I put the key in my pocket, but my mind was wondering about the ‘No ties attached.’ What is really going on in his mind?

    Chapter 9
    “When did you started shopping for groceries? Last time I checked,

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