Big Bad Bite
using work to run away. From him.
    Amy and Clay burst through the club’s front
entrance, watching her with questioning eyes as she maneuvered her
bike around. Damn, she had to get out of this place fast. Gunning
the motor she tore out of the parking lot like a pack of wolves
were nipping at her heels. When reality was, she was leaving them
safely behind.

Chapter Five
    Forty minutes later Jenna was dressed in black BDU’s with freshly
brushed teeth to hide the smell of alcohol that had long since
metabolized out of her system. With the familiar weights of a gun
on her hip and an assault rifle on her lap, she sat with the rest
of her unit quietly heading to where a hostage situation now ensued
at a popular restaurant in town. The taste of adrenaline and
anticipation was coursing through her blood while she sat next to
Kent, waiting for the van to arrive at the scene. When the squeal
of tires finally came, Capt. Nelson signaled for them to wait while
he obtained more details.
    Moments later they were gathered around a
large fold out table with blue prints of the restaurant laid out
before them. The Chief of Police stood with Capt. Nelson and four
other officers that she had yet to identify, talking about possible
points of entry. Finally, they looked up at them, and the Police
Chief wiped the sweat off his brow with a handkerchief before he
    “Listen up! Here’s the situation. SWAT Team 2
was on assignment this evening to guard a group of Senators and
their families at an informal dinner this evening. An hour ago
eight men charged into the restaurant and somehow managed to take
out the six members of Team 2 stationed inside. We have a confirmed
two dead and the condition of the other four officers are unknown.
They’ve shut the blinds so the three remaining Team 2 members who
were stationed as snipers in some of the high rise buildings around
us can’t get a clear shot. In that time, our negotiator has made
contact, and they are issuing a ransom demand for ten million
dollars or they say that the Senators and their families will die.”
The sudden silence around the group magnified the severity of the
situation as they all took steadying breaths.
    The Police Chief took in everyone’s reaction,
and then continued, “This is what we’re going to do. There’s a
small outer access door that leads to a crawl space above the
restaurant here on the side of the building. There’s an inner
access door that then leads from the crawl space to directly above
the kitchens here.” He pointed to the blue prints on the table.
“We’ll send someone inside to breach the crawl space and drop below
into the kitchens. Once there, after they’ve secured the area they
need to let three other team members inside through the back door,
here. The remaining six in this team will be stationed near the
front doors and windows in case anyone tries to escape. Does
everyone understand so far?”
    A chorus of “yes sirs” sounded off.
    Wiping the sweat from his brow again, the
Police Chief looked at Capt. Nelson. “Assign the positions,
    “How big is the access door, sir?” Capt.
Nelson’s eyebrows furrowed.
    The Chief looked at him with a grim
expression. “Pretty damn small.”
    Turning back to face his team, Capt. Nelson
looked at them thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the entirety of the
unit as he analyzed their sizes. After a few seconds, his gaze
settled on Jenna. “O’Conner, you’re going through the access door.
Kent, Dubinski, and Walters, you’re going to go with O’Conner and
make sure she gets in that door. Once she does, double back around
the building to the kitchen exit and wait for her to open it for
you. You’ll be the four going in. Put comm. links on before you
    As a group, the four SWAT members walked to
the next table, strapping the comm. links to their ears as the
Captain gave the remaining members of their team positions to cover
between the windows and front entrance of the

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