Big Bad Bite
around them. When small drops of sweat started to run down her
neck, and her mouth became ridiculously dry, she forced herself
away from his enticing body, moving towards the direction of the
    Weaving through the crowds, Jenna saw Amy
tucked in between two different men, dancing with her hands
stroking the pecs of one wolf’s chest as she kissed him, their
teeth clashing, and tongues sliding together seductively. The
second wolf tightened his grip on her hips to grind his groin into
her ass. Jenna may be a virgin, but she wasn’t shy about the
prospect of sex. The three bodies entwining in their passionate
dance was enough to amp up her already throbbing core. Pushing
through the edges of the crowd, her eyes found Clay at their table
whispering into the ear of an exceptionally attractive blonde. It
looked like the entire club was here to hook up tonight. Keeping
her original destination of the bar in sight, Jenna’s feet carried
her ever closer to her goal when a large hand grabbed her arm,
swiftly moving her into a small, dark alcove halfway to her
    Hands crushed her to a masculine chest, and
Adam’s aroused scent overwhelmed the area. His left hand wrapped
around her waist, landing low on the small of her back, while his
right hand grabbed the back of her neck, angling their faces closer
together. His lips were hovering hesitantly over her own, as if he
was giving Jenna that scant moment to make the decision to push him
away. As much as her brain told her that pushing him away was
exactly what she should do, the rest of her body wasn’t getting
that message. No, her traitorous body was craving the same kind of
explosive sex that the song was still droning on about in the
background. Adam’s warm breath fanned her face as he leaned over
until their lips were just skimming the others.
    He growled, “I’ve wanted to do this since the
moment I saw you pointing that gun at me.”
    In a flash, his lips were crushing hers in a
bruising kiss. Then running the tip of his tongue along the seam of
her lips until she gasped at the tingling sensation He didn’t waste
the opportunity to thrust his tongue inside her mouth. The wet,
silky length slid against her own in a way that felt so carnal, it
made her body heat instantly for him. As he kissed her thoroughly
and sensually, unlike anything she could have ever dreamed of
before, he let go of her neck to slide his hand down the sensitive
length of her body. Rubbing the side of her breast on his path down
to grasp both cheeks of her ass fiercely, he turned them around so
that her back hit the wall behind them. He lifted her until the vee
of her thighs cradled the hard length of him, and she wrapped her
legs around his waist, pulling him tighter against her now rolling
hips. Their bodies were pressed so intimately together, not even
air separated them. Her nipples hardened against the feel of his
chest subtly rubbing them, causing him to groan into her mouth.
    Jenna felt her body hum with excitement,
begging for more. With one hand clenched in his gorgeous auburn
hair, and the other fisting his shirt, she rocked her core against
him. Suddenly wishing that they were somewhere much more private,
and with a lot less clothes on. Every nerve ending in her body that
lay dormant through the years of self-denial flared with sensation.
Urging her to finally give in and indulge in the ultimate forbidden
act. Her wolf was practically rabid with the possibility of how it
could be between her and the Alpha erotically pressed to the front
of her. Demanding her physical attention. Her submission. What
would sex be like between them?
    Hard. Rough. Sweaty bodies enmeshed in a
dance and her claws raking down his back, her teeth nipping his
swollen lips were the results of it. Her core grinded harder into
his erection, and again he growled low in his chest. The sound shot
Jenna’s arousal through the roof with the thought that nothing had
ever sounded as wonderful as that

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