Skein of the Crime

Free Skein of the Crime by Maggie Sefton

Book: Skein of the Crime by Maggie Sefton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Sefton
out a sigh. “And I’m sure all this brings back sad memories of her son’s death, too.”
    “Any news on how Holly died?”
    “Not yet.”
    Kelly pulled Steve’s winter hat from her bag and shifted away from the sad topic. “How’re your psychology classes going this semester?”
    “They’re getting harder. In fact, I’m only taking one class this semester because there’s so much reading involved. And we have to write three big papers.” She screwed up her face in displeasure.
    “I know what you mean, Lisa. I used to hate writing those papers, too,” Kelly commiserated as her fingers went through the familiar movements. Slip the needle under the stitch, wrap the yarn, slide the stitch. Slip, wrap, slide . Over and over. Steve’s hat was halfway done. She’d definitely have it finished soon. In plenty of time for the winter cold.
    “And the professor isn’t half as interesting as Dr. Norcross.”
    “Well, that’s about par for grad school, Lisa, you know that. You get winners and losers. Some professors can’t teach their way out of a paper bag. They just stand up there and read from their notes. They might as well post everything online and save people the trouble of going to class.”
    Lisa snickered. “You’re dead-on, Kelly. I had a deadly one like that last semester. I thought I was going to pull out my hair. The only thing that kept my sanity was Dr. Norcross’s class.”
    Lisa’s mentor and advisor. Kelly was about to ask how the class was going when Jennifer sailed into the room.
    “Wonderful. Two for the price of one. Now I can visit with both of you on break.” Jennifer sank into a chair beside Kelly and withdrew the burgundy sweater she was now knitting.
    “You guys busy this morning?” Kelly asked.
    “Not that much, actually. Typical Monday-morning slow.”
    “Have either of you seen Megan or talked to her since we got together Friday night?” Lisa glanced up from her orange yarn.
    Kelly shook her head. “I haven’t seen her. What about you, Jen?”
    “Nope. Which means she hasn’t been in here because she always stops in the café for an Earl Grey to go.”
    “That’s kind of unusual, isn’t it? Megan always comes over here to get away from her crazy clients,” Lisa added.
    “Boy, I’m glad I don’t work in IT. I’ve had to consult with this new client’s IT guy so I could get all the data I needed for this developer’s project. And I swear, it was like pulling teeth. He’s positively anal.”
    Jennifer snickered. “I know the type. They’re usually sitting around the office on the desktop computers doing research and wondering why they don’t have any clients. Clients aren’t on the computer. They’re outside. You’ve gotta go out and get ’em.”
    “Speaking of clients, how’s that going?” Kelly asked.
    “Not well, to be honest. The buyers who’re looking are still browsing, and even if they were ready to buy, most of them nowadays wouldn’t qualify. Like I said the other night, good jobs, good credit, and savings in the banks used to guarantee a loan. Not anymore.”
    “Does that mean I won’t be about to refinance Aunt Helen’s loan on the cottage? It’s been over two years and the penalty clause is no longer in effect. I wanted to lower those payments.”
    Jennifer tilted her head to the side. “Actually, you’re a different case, Kelly. You’ll probably be able to get a loan because you’ve got what they call significant assets . You own all that land in Wyoming and the gas leases. And you’ve got savings in the bank on top of that. Most people have a job and some savings. Maybe a small retirement account, that’s all. That used to be enough, but not anymore.”
    “So, you’re saying I would get the loan, then?” Kelly probed.
    “Yeah, I think so. Do you want me to check with some of the lenders we work with? I can get a feel for what their responses would be and get back to you.”
    “Thanks, Jen, that would be great.”

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