The Vacant Throne: The Legend Of Kairu Vol 3
mountain side as cover, we
dropped to the ground and breathed as quietly as we could. The two
Evenawks flew over us and started scanning the mountain side. I
motioned for Bill to stay still and he watched in horror, waiting
to be found. The Evenawks finished their scan and disappeared in
the direction of their capital city. The Illusion spell had
successfully made us seem invisible to them and I breathed a sigh
of relief.
    “ How’d they not see
us?” Bill asked quietly.
    “ I hid us with
magic,” I answered, pulling the arrow out of the scales.
    I dispelled the area to make sure there
wasn’t any more poison and my body returned to fleshy skin. I
healed the small wound and muscles and went to check out Lady
Sandra’s wound. My eyes opened wider as I noticed the arrowhead in
her side with most of shaft broken off.
    “ Why didn’t you tell
me she had been hit with an arrow?” I asked Bill.
    He looked down and his eyes grew wide
too. “She must have broken the shaft off herself. Is she going to
bleed out?”
    “ That’s not what I’m
concerned about,” I answered, cupping my hand around the wound.
“The Evenawk were using poison tipped arrows.”
    “ What?” Bill asked
    I started removing
the poison through the wound and throwing it off to the side. After
I removed two handfuls, I placed my two fingers on parts of her
body to feel if there was anymore. I was confident that I had
extracted most of the poison, but her life signs were really low
and fading quickly. The poison had been in her system for too
    She certainly is
strong to have lasted this long though, Cathy said.
    I healed the wound on
her side and tried to strengthen her body, but she was still
unconscious. No matter what I did, I wasn’t sure if she was going
to pull though. I pulled my spell book out of my backpack and
viciously flipped through it, hoping to find a miracle.
    I have an idea that
could help, Cathy said
    We need all the ideas we can get.
    See, she started but stopped. I could feel her trying
to hide her emotions from me. She’s too
weak to live. You can feel it and I can feel it. The poison is
killing her and we don’t have a spell to bring her back from the
dead. She is important to ensure that Balendar can be reunited and
fight against Desroche and his Evenawks.
    Very important.
    Well then, what if
we... I felt her shift around
again. What if we transfer me into

    You want to transfer yourself into her
    My face showed my
shock and Bill looked at me quizzically. “What’s going on?” he
asked, worried that something worse was going to happen.
    “ Still just absorbing
what happened,” I answered, more truthfully than he would realise.
I snapped out of it and looked at him. “We need to head back down
the mountain and find some way to heal her.”
    “ Good idea,” Bill
    We picked up the limp
body of Lady Sandra and threw her arms over our shoulders again. I
wasn’t looking forward to the trip down the mountain. The battle
and flight had left me pretty stiff everywhere in my body and
returning to the forest had passed through my mind, but it would be
up to us to stop Desroche.
    I looked to Bill and the old guardsman
had a look on his face that suggested he would never be the same
again. It had been a rough few days for him, starting in Thurlborn
Peak and ending with his friends lying dead at the gate of
Scert’chak. When he gets back to Davalin, it wouldn’t surprise me
that it would be the end of his fighting days.
    Don’t get
distracted, Cathy said. We have much to talk about.
    I know. I just wanted to get moving
again so we didn’t weird Bill out by staring at the wall.
    Fair enough, Cathy replied, gathering her emotions and
retreating to the back of my mind.
    What are you doing?
    Trying to remove my
influence from you and vice versa so we can talk this out, Cathy answered, sounding further away. This is a huge topic and we need to be...clear

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