Legend of the Forbidden

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Book: Legend of the Forbidden by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
something different about him. He'd always made her nervous, but he also seemed aggressive and cruel. Like there was something else going on behind the scenes that she and Tyson weren't being told. Tyson noticed it too, because he glanced Dani's way with an awful lot of uncertainty. What weren't they being told?
    â€œShanrea it is then, but as for the ceremony, it will be conducted by one of our priests. It's very important to me that the service be holy and ordained by a man of God. I know in Inero the marriages between the dragons and their brides are not officiated like they are when the humans marry one another. I didn't think you'd mind if we used a Terran wedding as an outline since, well, your people do not have weddings often,” Lord Bolton said, and that was when Dani started to tune him out. She didn't care to listen to him make snide comments about the ways of her country. The Inero weren't perfect, but they weren't heartless either.
    They believed in love too.

Chapter Nineteen
    â€œDo I want to marry her, or don't I,” Ethan mumbled to no one. He was outside on the beach, glad to be alone. Not something he usually enjoyed, but he did need a moment to collect his thoughts about everything going on. He especially needed to make sure he had time away from Maya, so he could focus.
    Logically speaking, it made sense to marry Maya. He knew her, knew a lot about her, and her family was already familiar with the dragon way, so he wouldn't be ripping her away from her home. But he didn't think he loved her, which was something important he wanted in his marriage. Cared about her but didn't love her. He didn't feel sappy dopey feelings when he was around her. Ethan wanted what his parents had. Every time his dad looked at his mother, he noticed the sparks. When asked about how his dad knew he was in love, Ethan was always told, “I just knew.” Ethan didn't get that vibe with Maya. If anything, he got that feeling from Dani, but that was also stupid of him.
    I should say yes to Maya's proposal. Her life depends on it. It all makes sense. I'm sure we'll be able to make everything work out just fine .
    But his heart ached thinking about it. Like he was mourning the loss of a loved one, which couldn't be a good sign when thinking about his future bride.
    â€œUgh, get over yourself.” He shook his head, picked up a rock, and threw it into the water. He pulled out his phone and called home.
    â€œHi honey,” his mom said, and hearing her voice brought a smile to his face. He missed home.
    â€œHey Mom, I don't suppose you wanna get Dad on the phone. I wanted to talk with you both about something,” he explained.
    â€œSure, just a second.” A second later, he could hear his Dad's voice too.
    â€œHow's the island?” he asked.
    Ethan laughed. “Good, like always. Everything is coming along well. I'm glad I'm here to do what I can, because Tyson isn't being much help. Anyway, I didn't call to catch you up on stuff. I'm calling because I think I figured out what I want to do with my whole finding a mate thing.” He didn't want to call Maya his future bride. He couldn't even think of her as a future wife, not yet.
    â€œOh?” Darien asked.
    Ethan took in a deep breath, and his heart stopped when he noticed Dani not far off in the distance coming toward him. Hopefully she hadn't heard too much. Dragons had exceptional hearing, but he hadn't seen her until just now.
    â€œYeah, I'm being called in though, and I don't want to talk about it in front of everyone. I have a lot of things I need to think about with the whole thing. You know? But we'll talk more when I get back, which won't be too much longer. I need advice,” Ethan explained. It was the best way for him to go about the whole situation. He wouldn't tell Maya his decision until after he talked with his parents.
    â€œDid you meet someone there?” his mom asked, and Ethan was almost positive he

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