Legend of the Forbidden

Free Legend of the Forbidden by J. F. Jenkins

Book: Legend of the Forbidden by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
the same kind of magical surge come from him that she'd felt when she kissed Tyson. And she felt stronger. Strange, because she'd touched Ethan before and not noticed it. Perhaps it had something to do with the intent of the touch? Or maybe a floodgate had been opened with the kiss?
    Ethan must have noticed it, because his eyes narrowed. “What are you doing?”
    Immediately, she let go of his hands. “Sorry. I forgot you're all weird about touching.”
    â€œI'm not weird about touching.”
    â€œThen it's just me, or something.”
    â€œMore like, just… girls. It's not appropriate,” he mumbled. “But that's not what I meant with my question. Something feels different.”
    She put a hand on top of his and was disappointed when she didn't feel the same jolt of magic come from him like before. I guess I will have to be bolder. Taking in a deep breath, she placed a small kiss on Ethan's lips, even slighter than what she had given Tyson. Ethan stepped away as soon as they touched, and she only felt his magic for a split second.
    He scowled. “What are you doing? Answer me!”
    â€œExperimenting,” she whispered. “Don't get so mad. I'm not sure what it is, but when we touch, I feel whole. I didn't know if it was all touches, or certain ones, and I just wanted to know how it worked. Then maybe you'd understand why I like it when you don't pull away from me.”
    â€œIt felt like you sucked away my magic,” he said darkly. “I'm not sure how I feel about that.”
    â€œOkay, I got the hint. I won't do it anymore. I'll never touch you again,” she said, and felt the tears forming in her eyes.
    Ethan glanced down at her and sighed heavily. Then he did something unexpected and hugged her. He hardly ever initiated hugs. “No, it's okay. It just freaked me out because you're the only person that's happened with. I don't think it's because you're a girl, or it'd happen with Dani too, you know? If anything, it makes me think of what I've heard of the transition.”
    Transition? She frowned, trying to remember where she'd heard that term before. Then it dawned on her. “You're right, it's a lot like that! Maybe that's the solution to my problem. Ethan, this is so exciting!”
    â€œWhat? Huh? Slow down, I'm not following,” he said and blinked. “You think you're transitioning? When did you, uh, mate, with a dragon?”
    â€œNever, but my parents have dragon DNA and human DNA. My brothers are fine, my sisters have never been okay. They're either like me—only they die—or they're like normal human girls. Maybe if I marry a dragon boy, then I'll be able to be normal all of the time!” She cried, which was kind of pathetic, but she was so happy by the possibility, Ethan would just have to deal with her soaking his shirt with tears.
    He relaxed his hold on her. “That's a good theory. Guess we should find you a good dragon boy, huh?”
    â€œI've found one already.” She laughed. “This could be the answer to all of our problems. You don't want to marry a stranger. I need to get married to a dragon. How is this not win-win?”
    He grew quiet. “Forgive me if I don't leap to say yes. There's a lot to think about here.”
    Maya didn't agree, but pushing him wouldn't be a good idea. It was a big decision. She almost pinched herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming the entire conversation. Did I just propose to him? The thought almost made her sick to her stomach with nerves. No wonder he was so tense now. He probably wanted to run away from her.
    â€œI was kidding,” she said quickly, her voice soft.
    â€œYou weren't, and that's okay, because it's not like I'm mad or anything. It's not a bad idea necessarily. I just don't want to rush into anything. Part of the reason I haven't chosen just any girl from some random island. Let me think about it.” Ethan's lips twitched upward into a smile, and

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