Sex on Summer Sabbatical

Free Sex on Summer Sabbatical by Stacey Lynn Rhodes

Book: Sex on Summer Sabbatical by Stacey Lynn Rhodes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Lynn Rhodes
    Steve lowered the sheet and Tori gasped then started laughing. Steve, ha !
    “Adam! What are you doing in here?”
    He grinned at her then lifted an eyebrow. “Did you think I’d let just anyone give you your first real massage?”
    She returned his smile and relaxed even more now that she knew her body had been reacting more appropriately than her conscious mind had known. “You seem to know what you’re doing.”
    “I’m a licensed massage therapist, too. Actually did this while working my way through school.” He moved to stand at her head and gathered her hair back out of the way then began to give her a facial massage that had her eyes drifting shut again.
    Tori did the best she could to keep herself from squirming as he continued the massage down her neck to her shoulders and upper chest. She swore he was just missing her nipples by an inch each time he ran his hands over her pecs. They stiffened against the sheet covering them and she thought she heard a masculine chuckle but didn’t want to open her eyes to see if he was watching her breasts betray her arousal.
    Adam worked her arms from the shoulders down to her fingers, then moved to her side and did something complicated with the sheet so her hip was bared but all the interesting parts were still covered. She loved how seriously he was taking his massage duties, and smiled to herself thinking about how gentlemanly he was, even when she wished he’d be a bit naughtier.
    A spike of want hit her low, making her pussy throb, and his hands slowly but firmly running along her flank didn’t help.
    “Adam…” she moaned.
    “Tori, I can’t in here.”
    “Can’t what?” she asked, even though she knew. Damn him.
    Adam spoke in a low, intimate tone. “I can’t do to you what you’re aching for. It goes against my professional standards and licensing.” He bent to whisper in her ear. “But nothing says you can’t do it yourself.”
    “Oh God,” she breathed. Her hand went straight under the sheet to her needy core without her even willing it. Adam rearranged the sheet again so that it covered her from the neck down, and moved to the foot of the table.
    As she met his heated gaze, she frantically worked at her clit and slick folds, needing only a few short minutes of friction to bring her close to the edge. Adam’s expression bounced between pained and encouraging as he slicked his hands with lotion and began to give her a foot massage.
    “God, Adam… Oh my God.”
    His hands on her feet and his position of visually being between her legs while she masturbated there in the spa room all became too much for her to take. He slid his hands up her calf then back down before switching to give his attention to her other foot.
    “You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely and that sign of his own arousal sent her wheeling into an intense orgasm, arching her head back then lifting her head to stare at Adam before dropping back to the table, sated and boneless.
    Adam quickly wrapped up his foot massage and walked over to give her a peck on the temple.
    “I’ll have the masseuse you were originally booked with come in to do your wrap in about ten minutes, okay, hon?”
    Tori blinked open her eyes, which she hadn’t even realised she’d closed. “Masseuse?”
    Adam smiled and stroked her hair. “Enjoy,” he murmured then touched her cheek tenderly before walking to the door.
    When will that man ever stop surprising me? Not that I want him to .

Chapter Nine

    “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
    It must’ve been the hundredth time Tori had said that in the past thirty-six hours or so, and Adam still smiled every time he heard it.
    He grasped her hand where it was resting on the armrest between their seats and looked past her out of the plane’s window. They were on their final descent and could see the islands now, breaking up the vast continuity of the Pacific Ocean they’d been flying over for several hours.
    The cabin crew had

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