Only His

Free Only His by Susan Mallery

Book: Only His by Susan Mallery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Mallery
    â€œOf course. Always.”
    She’d never thought of herself as Tucker’s friend. She was the girl he hadn’t noticed, despite her love for him.He was the one who got away. But a friend? Maybe it was something to try. After all, they were going to be working together and she wasn’t stupid enough to fall for him a second time.
    A FTER LUNCH N EVADA went outside and checked on the surveying team. A hundred acres was a lot to deal with, so they worked on a grid. Her attention kept drifting to where the guys were using the real equipment to clear.
    A timber company had already been through to take out the biggest trees. The heaviest growth was being left intact. The walking path would weave through it.
    One of the guys—she thought his name was Brad—walked up to her, holding one hand in the other.
    â€œCut myself,” he said. “Do you have any bandages in your truck?”
    â€œSure, but there’s a first-aid kit in the office.”
    He shook his head. “Using that means filling out paperwork.”
    She hesitated. The last thing anyone wanted was more paperwork, so if the cut was small, she would go along with his request. Later, she would talk to Will and find out if she’d made the right call, or if the guys were trying to get her in trouble. After all, she was new to the team, not to mention female.
    She hurried to her truck and pulled open the passenger door. As she reached for the glove box, she saw something move on the bench seat.
    A snake was coiled up on the driver’s seat.
    Nevada managed to keep from jumping, more out of self-protection than bravery. She studied the darkbrown color, the light stripes along the side and knew it was a garter snake. Harmless, and not too old, judging by the length.
    Several facts clicked into place. The test wasn’t about breaking the rules, it was about cojones. She would bet money Brad hadn’t been cut at all. The guys had simply wanted to get her to open her truck door and see the snake.
    The creatures weren’t her favorite, but she’d grown up with three brothers and, to borrow from the Texans, this wasn’t her first rodeo.
    Drawing in a deep breath, she reached across the seat and grabbed the snake. From what she remembered, it would bite. It wasn’t considered poisonous to humans, but she grabbed it by the back of the neck to avoid getting punctured.
    The poor thing practically whimpered as it recoiled and tried to squirm away. Its body wrapped around her arm, then let go as quickly. She straightened and stepped away from her truck. When she turned, she saw her whole team standing behind her.
    â€œOne of you missing your girlfriend?” she asked.
    The guys exchanged glances, then started to laugh.
    She walked to the edge of the thicker growth and let the snake go.
    â€œHow long did it take you to catch it?” she asked.
    â€œNearly all morning,” Brad told her. “We thought you’d scream.”
    â€œSorry to disappoint you.”
    One of the older guys grinned. “We’re not disappointed at all.”
    â€œGlad to hear it. Now, let’s get to work.”
    F RIDAY AFTERNOON Nevada found herself walking through Fool’s Gold with Tucker. She’d gone with him to file more paperwork and now they were heading back to his truck to return to the job site.
    â€œSo when’s the next festival?” he asked. “I keep hearing about them.”
    â€œNext weekend, although there’s plenty going on tomorrow. The Fool’s Gold cheerleaders are back from camp and will be showing off everything they’ve learned. That’s always fun.”
    â€œThe town has cheerleaders?”
    â€œThey’re from the high school. We do like to celebrate here, so any excuse will do.”
    â€œI’ve heard that.”
    They turned a corner and walked toward the parking lot.
    â€œYou enjoying yourself at

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