Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer)

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Book: Forever Blessed (Women of Prayer) by Darlene Shortridge Read Free Book Online
Authors: Darlene Shortridge
direct questions, Laney took a sip of her tea, then continued. “Um, well, I expect he will try and find me and the kids. He can be violent, but usually it’s only toward me. Recently he had begun to pick on Matt and that is where I drew the line. I won’t let him hurt my children.” Laney took another sip then continued. “I expect he will do his homework before he shows up. I’m hoping he doesn’t find us, but I know my husband better than that. He will search until he finds us. He will make that his one goal in life, to pay me back for my indiscretions.”
    Vanessa listened carefully, taking in each point. She’d have to give a detailed accounting of everything later to Marcus, so it paid to pay attention. And her guess was he might have to deal with this man at some point in their lives, so the more he knew the better. “Do you have a picture of him? So if we see him we’ll know what is coming?”
    Wow…this woman crossed every t and dotted every i . “Yes, I do. I’ll get it for you. If you’d rather not rent to me, I’ll understand. No one wants to deal with this sort of situation.”
    “I’m sorry, Laney. I didn’t mean to come across as sounding negative. The accountant in me deals with facts and figures daily and that is how my brain best operates. I am positive this is where the Lord wants you. Which translates to if God wants you here, then we do too. Please don’t be offended by my direct approach. It is a blessing and a curse, if you know what I mean.”
    Laney thought for a moment before she replied. “It’s been so long since I have been in the business world. I have forgotten what it’s like to be a professional working woman, let alone a woman who has the freedom to voice her opinions and thoughts without retribution. After college I worked for a little less than a year. Then I got married. My husband wanted me to stay at home and take care of him so there went my career. Then the kids started coming and there was no question that I would be home with them. Twelve years later, here I am, penniless, homeless, and totally reliant upon the goodwill of others for my most basic needs. So, I apologize if I seem overly sensitive. It has been a long few weeks and I’m still trying to wrap my mind around everything that has happened.”
    “Laney, I understand. I‘ve never been in the place you find yourself. But, I do want to help. Let me talk with Marcus and we can discuss things on Monday. Sound good?”
    Ella and Laney finished their tea and walked the short distance to Ella’s house. “Laney, come on in. We can talk a for a bit before you have to be heading back.”
    Laney accepted the cup of coffee offered to her, then sat on the couch in the living area. Ella walked around the room, occasionally picking up picture frames and holding them for a few seconds before setting them down again. Finally, Ella handed a framed picture to Laney. “This is my daughter, Marsha. I don’t hear from her very often. She lives in Chicago with her husband and her children, my grandchildren. She doesn’t have time for a mother who failed her.”
    Laney’s heart hurt for this woman who had some major pain of her own. She felt connected to Ella, as if she had something to give, someone to help. Laney realized it gave her a purpose and hope for her own situation. Obviously this lady went through some tough times and made it. Maybe she would too.
    Ella realized she had started to reveal a part of her past she wasn’t ready to let go of. She sat down next to Laney and took her hand. “The reason I’m telling you this is because the time we have shared at the shelter has been so precious to me. I finally feel like I am part of a family. A real family. Each time we sit around the table together, my heart is full. I am so thankful that God has brought all of you into my life.”
    Laney had been so focused on her own problems, on her own pain, she had forgotten there were other people out there hurting.

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