In My Veins

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Book: In My Veins by C.A. Madden Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.A. Madden
you won’t lose me if I go see some
psychic.” I laughed, “I don’t even believe her that much.”
    “If you don’t believe her don’t see her.”
    “It’s more of a way to ease my mind. I’m
sure she’ll say it was a onetime thing and I’ll get over it. I just want to see
if another attack would turn up in my cup. Then I’ll never see her again.”
    His jaw tensed and he didn’t say
anything. I glared at him. I just don’t get it. What could possibly be the
    “Whatever James…” I mumbled hating that
he was being secretive about some bogus psychic.
    We finished our dinner quietly and
headed out of the restaurant. We stood outside for a moment in an awkward
silence. He looked at me, still holding back his anger, “I have never asked you
not to do anything except for this. Please just don’t see her.”
    I hated admitting I was wrong and he was
right. He had never asked me for anything but this. But my stupid pride was not
going to let me put this down. And there had to be more to the reason why he
won’t let me see her. It had to do with whatever he was keeping from me.
    “Ever since that stupid mugger monster thing,
whatever it was, you have been smothering me James. I get it. You’re protecting
me because I’m scared and I’m so thankful for that. But I’ll never get over it
if you baby me.”
    “Monster?” he said sounding oddly
    I rolled my eyes, “James… that’s beside
the point. I really like being with you. But I can’t be okay with being bossed
around.” I said putting my food down and walked off towards the direction of my
apartment. It’s far. But I was too angry to care and be in the awkward and
quiet ride with him.

Chapter Nine
five minutes of walking I realized I was over reacting. And I was freezing. And it was getting late and everything was making me jump.
    I looked around and laughed at myself as
I walked down the people-less street. Now I was the paranoid one. L.A. isn’t
exactly the type of city where a lot of people are walking around at night. It’s
more of a car city. Cars zoomed by one by one occasionally honking and stopping
when the one before them stopped. A few drove by and yelled out obscene things
to me and I could only cringe and pray that they didn’t stop the car.
    I sighed and decided I should find a
short cut home. I looked down an alley. Enter the scary alley and make it home
ten minutes earlier but in movies that’s where all the bad things happen to the
stupid girl that goes in the alley thinking it wouldn't happen to them.
    Or I could walk through the city and
make it home even later and possibly get kidnapped by one of the X-rated
yelling men.
    Either way it was scary.
    Taking a deep breath I started walking down
the dark alley, regretting the decision the moment I reached the middle.
    “Typical.” I mumbled to myself.
    I looked back to where I came from to
see how far I really was and it was pretty far. I sighed and decided I had to
keep going. As I turned around to continue walking, before I could even process
what was happening, I was thrown against the walls.
    My vision went blurry for a second from
hitting the wall but I looked up and stared straight in its fire colored eyes
the minute the blur passed. It was the monster again. It was definitely him.
The same jet black hair, snow white skin and electric eyes were staring at me.
He smiled revealing sharp his fangs as he walked towards me and squatted in
front of me. His eyes were frozen onto mine and I couldn’t move. My body felt
    “Your boyfriend was very stupid to leave
you alone.” He said as my mind tried to place where I had heard his voice
before. If it wasn’t for the slight growl I would probably be able to
concentrate and figure it out. His face got closer and I stared at the red color
and felt even more paralyzed.
     “Any last wishes before I finish you
off?” he smirked.
    I closed my eyes and could feel him get
closer and

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