Ice Claimed

Free Ice Claimed by Marisa Chenery

Book: Ice Claimed by Marisa Chenery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marisa Chenery
I’m also immortal.” Durlach pushed to his
feet, then brushed himself off.
    “You can’t be. It’s not possible.”
    Durlach turned to face Taylor. “Look, Meadow is going to be
back very soon so you have to drop this. And I am immortal. I’ve been alive for
over ten thousand years.”
    At the sound of horses’ hooves coming down the trail, he
shifted to see his mate heading toward him and Taylor, leading Bolt by his
reins. Durlach wasn’t at all sure he wanted to get back into the saddle again.
Being thrown once was one too many times in his opinion.
    Out of the corner of his eye Durlach saw Taylor intently
stared at him. He ignored the other man and kept his gaze on Meadow. Once she
reached them she dismounted while she held the reins of both horses. She gave
him a look of concern.
    “Are you okay?” she asked.
    “Yeah. I think I bruised my ego more than anything. Bolt
must not like me.”
    “It’s not that. He can sense when there is an inexperienced
rider on his back. When he does, he likes to use that against them.”
    “Like running away with the rider, then dumping him on his
    “Basically. You should have told me you’d never been on a
horse before. I would have made you ride Dancer instead. She has the better
    Durlach gave her a sheepish smile. “I kind of thought it
wouldn’t matter.”
    “Well, as you can see, it does. You want to try again? This
time on Dancer.”
    He really didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want his mate
to think he was weak. Plus, he wanted to get away from Taylor. The other man’s
gaze hadn’t left Durlach for even a second since he’d told Taylor about him
being immortal. He didn’t need Taylor saying something in front of Meadow that
he shouldn’t.
    “I guess I am, but if she sends me flying I’m done.”
    Meadow smiled. “You don’t have to worry about that. Dancer
will behave.”
    With a nod, Durlach walked over to the mare’s side and
climbed up onto her back. He accepted the reins from Meadow when she handed
them to him. Unlike Bolt, Dancer stood perfectly still while he waited for his
mate to get up onto the gelding.
    Once Meadow was all set, she headed down the trail. Durlach
gave Dancer a small nudge with his heels and the mare followed after the other
horse. A quick look over his shoulder showed Taylor stood in the middle of the
trail, watching their departure. Durlach made a note to have a long chat with
the other man very soon.
    He managed to steer Dancer out from behind Bolt so she
walked beside him. Durlach looked over at Meadow. She seemed to avoid his gaze
as she continued to stare straight ahead. Ever since he’d arrived he’d felt as
if she was trying to put some distance between them. The kiss he’d given her,
she really hadn’t been into it one hundred percent, not like she’d been on
their date the night before. He decided to let it go for now and wait to see
how she was once their ride was over.
    After they returned to the stable, Durlach knew for sure
something had changed between him and Meadow. They talked but nothing that
centered on their new relationship. She also put enough space between them so
he couldn’t reach out and touch her.
    Once Durlach dismounted, Meadow did the same and took
Dancer’s reins from him. She also told him to wait for her outside while she
took the horses inside the stable. He had no problem with that. The building
was Taylor’s territory and he wanted to stay away from the other man for the
time being.
    It didn’t take very long before Meadow returned. “You want
to come inside?”
    He nodded. “Sure.”
    Durlach followed Meadow inside the house, then into the
living room where they sat on the couch. He didn’t wait for her to start the
conversation. “What’s the matter, Meadow? I know there’s something.”
    She let out a breath. “All right, there is. I need to ask
you something and I need you to answer me truthfully.”
    “Okay.” Durlach wasn’t sure what

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