Bones by the Wood

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Book: Bones by the Wood by Catherine Johnson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Johnson
harass a lady in distress?”
    As adorable as she was in the middle of mortifying embarrassment, the sass was unbelievably sexy.  He liked that she would stand up to him, that she would give as good as she got.  He liked that a lot.
    “I definitely need a drink after that little show.  Maybe a smoke, too.  Grab me a couple of packs, sweetheart.”  He refused to feel any shame for staring.  The view had been worth a dropped jaw or two.
    With just the hint of a grin playing on her lips, she turned to get his cigarettes.  Dizzy took the opportunity, while her back was turned, to scoot down the aisle towards the booze.  He took a moment or two longer than he needed while he was out of sight to arrange his solid cock into a more comfortable position.  He was going to need to take that in hand when he got home, or he’d have a bad case of blue balls.
    He brought the bottle he’d chosen back to the counter.  Thea began to ring it and the packs of cigarettes up as if their little scene had been a figment of his imagination.  His imagination was now running full tilt on the knowledge that she was bare beneath her jeans.  He wondered if her little act of challenge had turned her on as much as it did him.  Christ, the thought that she was wet and basically naked... Dizzy did his best to concentrate on finding his wallet and fumbling out the required bills.
    “You ever come to the clubhouse, darlin’?” 
    He wanted a taste, and the only way he was going to get that was if he got her out of this fucking store.  She paused; he was reading it as a reluctance to answer, which piqued his interest.
    “A time or two.”
    “You should drop by sometime.  Everyone’s there on Friday’s.”  And by ‘everyone’ he particularly meant himself.
    “No, thanks.  I know how it works, and I’m not interested.”
    Oh she did, did she? And she wasn’t, was she?  “And how do you think it works?”
    “A girl doesn’t just walk in on her own to have a drink.  I don’t fancy havin’ my ass pinched ‘til it’s blue.”
    Now that set off a whole other set of intriguing images in Dizzy’s mind.  “Who’d you go with last time?”
    “Annelle Beaumont?” He nodded to convey that he knew who she was talking about.  “She’s a friend of mine.  A friend-friend.  Not a boss-friend.”
    There was that boldness again instead of the blushing.  Dizzy thought he got it.  She wasn’t bothered that he might think she was a stripper; she wanted him to know she wasn’t casual pussy like the other girls that Annelle brought with her.  Well, he’d already figured that out.
    “I’ll make sure those gorillas don’t bother you, darlin’.”  Of course they wouldn’t; he had every intention of paying her whatever attention was needed to get between her thighs.
    “I’ll think about it.”  Dizzy recognized that as chick-speak for ‘no’, but he decided to play to the dumb male.
    “You do that, darlin’.  It’d be a memorable night.”  He made his tone deliberately suggestive, but she wasn’t backing down. 
    He wondered where the responsive woman from the other night had gone and figured that she was feeling brave with the counter between them, or that maybe physical proximity would neutralize her bravado.  Either way, he wanted a drink, and he needed to sort out his hard-on before he injured himself.  He took the bottle and the cigarettes with a wink and headed casually out to his bike.  Only when he was in his house with the first glass of whiskey poured did Dizzy remember held forgotten to pick up any food at all.

Chapter Six
    Thea woke with a gasp, shooting straight up in her bed like some vampire in a cheesy horror flick.  In her dream, she hadn’t just pulled the remnants of her underwear out of her jeans and stuffed them in her pocket, and Dizzy hadn’t just sauntered off to pick his whiskey. Oh no.  In her dream her

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