Aftershock: A Charity McAdams Novella

Free Aftershock: A Charity McAdams Novella by Elizabeth Storme

Book: Aftershock: A Charity McAdams Novella by Elizabeth Storme Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Storme
living room that appears to have seating for at least a dozen people and takes me out the double doors that lead to the back patio. There is an outdoor kitchen, complete with brick oven. There is a pool with an infinity edge and a hot tub with a water feature. There are more plants and flowers out here than in the front of the house which makes it feel a little bit like a tropical oasis with the sparkling blue water and the greenery. Past that, is a view of the hillside and although I can see other houses, they are so far off that it still feels really private back here.
    “This is amazing,” I say.
    “Yeah, it really is. Sometimes I still don’t feel like this is really my house,” he says, grabbing my hand. “This is the first big purchase I made after I signed my movie deal. It was important to me to find something like this, a home base, where I can always go to get away from all the noise and chaos.”
    I nod, trying to take it all in.
    “It feels better now though, now that you’re here,” he adds after a pause.
    I look at him and he meets my eyes. We don’t say anything out loud but in that moment there seems to be an unspoken understanding. I pop up on my tip toes to press a soft kiss to his lips.
    He brushes a strand of hair away from my face and tucks it behind my ear. “This still isn’t the surprise,” he announces. He takes a few steps across the patio and picks up a silver bowl that has black paw prints painted on the sides. “This is.”
    “You got a dog?” I ask, my eyebrows wrinkling together in confusion as I notice the fenced off section with a dog bone and another bowl matching the one Brandon is holding up for me to see.
    “No, but we are getting one, tomorrow,” he replies, his eyes twinkling. He sets down the bowl and pulls his phone out of his pocket. He fiddles with it for a moment before turning the screen to face me so I can see the picture of a puppy. “Her name is LeeLee. She’s a six month old Boxer puppy.”
    “She’s so cute!” I squeal at the phone. “She’s really ours?”
    He nods, smiling at my reaction. “Yeah, the rescue place is dropping her off tomorrow afternoon.”
    “This is amazing!” I exclaim before throwing my arms around his neck.
    “Well it’s something we always talked about doing. She can keep you company when I’m working,” he says, holding me tightly. “Now let’s go order some food.”
    “You mean you don’t have a twelve course meal, complete with ice sculpture already waiting for me?” I tease.
    Brandon rolls his eyes but lets out a loud laugh as he steers me back inside to the kitchen. “You’d better be careful or I’ll have to make you do the dishes.”
    “Some Hollywood treatment…” I laugh.

Chapter Fourteen
    “I can’t believe you’ve already been gone a week! How’s everything going?” Ashley says. “Give me the grand tour!”
    I have her pulled up on video chat and I laugh as she moves her head back and forth as if trying to see around me. I flip the tablet around and slowly scan the room. “I’m in the living room right now.”
    “It’s huge!” She exclaims.
    “I know, the whole place is. It’s kind of ridiculous actually. All this space just for the two of us,” I agree.
    As if on cue, LeeLee barks from her spot snuggled by my feet.
    “Well two people and LeeLee,” I add, scratching her ears. I scan the camera so Ashley can see her too. I had already texted her several pictures and a video clip earlier in the week.
    Ashley laughs and blows her a kiss. “I can’t wait to come visit!”
    “Me either, I miss you like crazy!” I say, flopping back against the couch. “I’m just bored here. Brandon is gone pretty much all day, every day and at night we hang out and have fun together but I need something to do or I think I’m going to lose my mind.”
    “Can’t you go out?”
    “Yeah, I’ve gone to a few yoga classes at the gym Brandon goes to. I mean I can technically go anywhere and do

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