Love in Dreams: Rescue

Free Love in Dreams: Rescue by Ellie Saxx

Book: Love in Dreams: Rescue by Ellie Saxx Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Saxx
clean-up could have been a lot worse. She took
a step toward the kitchen to dig out every cleaning supply she could find.
    This is bad, Cass. Really bad.
    Cass ignored the voice. She did not, however, ignore the low
growl behind her. Halfway to the kitchen, she turned to see the wolf a few
paces behind her. He held the growl in a low warning.
    “We have to clean,” she said softly. The wolf’s eyes
captured her again. This time, she didn’t resist. She stumbled to the kitchen
table, never breaking eye contact, and slumped down in a wooden chair. The wolf
followed her, rumbling from deep in his chest.
    Cass couldn’t keep her eyes open. She folded her arms on the
table and lowered her head.
    They are in a clearing, deep in a forest. Cass and Collin.
    She is wearing a light green gauze dress that flows in a
cool breeze, and the soft fabric grazes her nipples so gently that she shivers.
    He is taller and more muscular than when they met previously.
His bare chest is broad and gleams with a thin sheen of sweat; he is breathing
quickly, as if he has run a long distance. His dirty blonde hair is neat and
trim, his cheeks smooth.
    He is naked.
    His manhood, half-erect, is flanked by quads lined with twitching
muscles. His calves look as if they’ve been carved from marble.
    Cass blinks once, then twice. He is god-like.
    “Collin,” she whispers.
    He growls. Something about him is different. He is frantic.
Urgent. The intent behind his hard stare is immediately apparent. Cass feels
wetness between her legs and she is eager for what she knows is only moments
    But Collin is tentative.
    “I am very sorry about that, Cass. I...couldn’t control
myself. It’s part of the reason I’ve been alone for so long...”
    He is afraid of hurting her. He has hurt someone else – Cass
knows this now.
    “It’s okay,” she says slowly, raising her hand toward him.
“Don’t worry.”
    Collin shakes his head and turns toward the line of trees
behind him.
    “It’s a dream , Collin,” Cass says, pleading. “You
can’t hurt me.” She shifts from one foot to the other. Something deep in her
core is calling out for Collin. She’s burning up under the flimsy gauze.
    “You can’t hurt me!” she says again.
    Collin turns slowly. His eyes are orange. His chest flexes,
and then his haunches, and in a flash of flesh he crosses the distance between
them and tackles Cass to the ground.
    The air knocked from her lungs, Cass opens her mouth in a
silent cry. Collin plants his lips on hers and kisses her hard. She tastes his
sweat and it thrills her body awake, then past awake, to another plane of
    Before she can catch her breath Collin has flipped Cass on
to her stomach and torn her dress from the neck to the hem. He paws at her,
raking his nails down her back, and then grips her ass tightly, squeezing and
wringing her until her sex slicks open with each pull on her cheeks. He mounts
her, squeezing Cass’s ass between his huge, vice-like thighs. His cock is hard
and stiff, brushing against her ripe ass. She arches her back and tilts her
hips. She is deliciously dripping wet. She craves the ultimate penetration.
    Collin pauses, and then slides a hand the base of Cass’s
neck. He grips her hair in a fist and pulls twice. His other hand dives down
hard against her sex and Cass finally screams deep into the night.
    Collin’s hand is wide and hot and urgent. He cups Cass’s
pussy until she can’t stand it. His fingers press against her clit and send
shockwaves along her spine. She writhes against him, panting with lust, sweat
pooling in the small of her back. Then he pulls his wet palm away, flexes his
hips back, and descends.
    Collin jerks back on Cass’s hair just as his wide cock
plunges deep. He’s straddled her so tightly that her legs are squeezed
together, immobilized. She’s doubly tight under his firm grip, and she cries
out in delirious, joyful pain as he grinds down relentlessly and her

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