Bad Biker Stepbrother 3

Free Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 by Michelle Black

Book: Bad Biker Stepbrother 3 by Michelle Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Black
make a pass at you? Because I sure as hell don’t want that and what if they do more and force you...rape you. That is what I am worried about.”
    Mia shakes her head, her shoulders slumping at his words. There were things so much worse than what Damon was thinking...there was the men from his past that could come and take Damon away from her. She wasn’t the one in danger, he was.
    “Damon,” she says, tears brimming her eyes, “I don’t want to fight but I will fight you on this. I have changed my life completely for you. My mother barely talks to me, I am finishing school online instead of on campus. I left my job, my school, and my apartment to be with you. I have given enough and for once, you need to be the one who gives.”
    Pacing in the small space, she turns and looks at him. “I want this job because I like the people. They are all really nice. I don’t want to be sitting around the house every day going out of my skull from boredom.”
    The tears are streaming down her face, but she doesn’t swipe them away. Instead, she lets them fall as she stares at Damon...the anger is still clear in his eyes and she is positive her words are falling on deaf ears, “I want to have friends and as much as I love you, you can’t be the only person in my life. I need more than just you.”
    He flinches, and Mia realizes that she hurt him. He needs her to only need him, but she can’t take the words back and she can’t change the way she feels. She needs friends and Damon should want that for her.
    Turning on her heel, she runs to the bedroom, blinded by the tears as she throws herself down on the bed. She doesn’t know how they will ever get back to where they were a few months ago. Even if she quit her job, it doesn’t stop the need that she has to be around people. As much as Damon doesn’t like it, she needs to have friends and get out in public without him.
    A half hour after she had thrown herself on the bed, Mia wakens to the sound of the bedroom door opening. She hadn’t even realized she’d fallen asleep. Looking up there her tear-stained lashes, she says, “I don’t want to fight anymore, Damon.”
    He sits down heavily on the bed. “Neither do I.”
    They sit in silence for a few minutes before Damon says, “Look, Mia. I can’t tell you that I like you having this job. There are just too many assholes out there who would want to hurt you and most of them like to go to bars. Maybe you won’t have anything to worry about, but that won’t stop me from worrying.”
    He looks over at her and pulls her up until she is nestled in his lap. Mia breathes in his scent and feels comforted by it as he rubs his hands up and down her back. Despite her distress, she can’t help the instant warmth that flows through her body at his touch. “You have to give me time,” he says. “You know, to wrap my head around you working at that bar.”
    Mia nods, hope filling her. Does this mean he is going to accept her working at the bar? It might, but she swallows her excitement a bit. Like he said, he needs time.
    She wraps her arms around him and sighs into his warmth. She needed him tonight. “Where were you tonight? I tried phoning but you didn’t answer,” she asks.
    He stiffens slightly, “I stopped and had a beer with Karl from the garage and then I came home. I was an ass.” He sighs before he says, “I was pissed that you were working a double shift and a night shift so I turned off my phone. Is that why you didn’t answer when I called you?”
    Mia shook her head, “No, my phone is dead, and I forgot the charger at home.”
    Unable to help herself, she kisses his chest and slides her hands under his shirt to feel his warm skin. He hardens instantly and she squirms around on his lap eliciting a groan from him when she does. “Stop that,” he commands.
    “Stop what?”
    “You know. I want to give you something and then you can thank me for your present.” He leans back slightly and pulls a cylinder

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