The Killing Kind

Free The Killing Kind by Bryan Smith

Book: The Killing Kind by Bryan Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bryan Smith
You could see he really wanted a piece of this action. “I…well, that sounds fucking awesome, but…I’m kind of…cash poor at the moment.”
    “Oh, that’s okay.”
    Roxie grabbed him by a wrist and tugged him into the bathroom. She closed the door and locked it again. She wrapped her arms around the man’s neck and writhed against him, eliciting a tortured moan. “Baby, you’re so fucking sexy. I feel like giving you a freebie.”
    The man’s face turned red. “Holy shit. Are you for real?”
    She giggled. “You’ve never met anybody more real than me, baby.”
    She broke the embrace and pushed him into the stall, maneuvering him into a sitting position on the toilet. Rob’sheart began to pound. He didn’t know what Roxie had in mind, but it couldn’t be anything good. And he was pretty certain she wasn’t about to fuck this guy. Curiosity made him push away from the wall and scoot out as far as his cuffed hand would allow. He was able to get a pretty good view of Roxie standing over the guy.
    The man stared up at her in rapt amazement and adoration, apparently having forgotten that he needed to piss like a Russian racehorse. Whatever that meant. Roxie leaned over him, bracing her hands on the toilet tank lid as she dangled her breasts in his face. She giggled again. “Close your eyes, baby, and I’ll give you a big surprise.”
    The man’s whole body shuddered. “Holy shit. It’s my lucky day.”
    Rob grimaced.
    No, dude, it really isn’t.
    The man closed his eyes.
    And Rob saw Roxie’s fingers curl tight around the edges of the tank lid. She lifted the lid off the tank and held it high over her head. The man’s eyes came open and he stared up at her in confused astonishment. A guttural, animal sound ripped out of Roxie’s throat as she slammed the lid down on top of the man’s head. The heavy wedge of white porcelain went up again and came down again. Over and over. Until Rob heard a sound that reminded him of an eggshell cracking. But it didn’t end then. She kept hitting him with the thing. He had no concept of how long it went on. He vomited on the floor, heaving violently for several minutes before retreating to his previous position under the sink. He closed his eyes and tried to will the world away. He felt clammy and sick. Some time passed and he became aware that the sounds of violence had ended.
    He opened his eyes and saw Roxie staring down at him, face impassive. She was dressed in tight jeans, white sneakers, and a plain blue T-shirt.
    “It’s time to go.”
    Rob sniffled. “O-o-o-o—”
    “Shut up.”
    Rob closed his mouth.
    Roxie uncuffed him and they departed the scene of yet another murder. Within moments they were back on the interstate. The road unfurled endlessly toward the hazy horizon. But Rob no longer saw the open road as a place of charm and limitless possibilities. The path ahead of him was a devil’s highway to nothing but doom and damnation.

    March 17
    A car loaded with teenage boys drove by Julie Cosgrove as she walked down the narrow residential road. One boy leaned out a rear window and made a rude comment. Julie’s thumbs moved rapidly over the buttons of her cell phone as she entered a response to a text from Alicia, her best friend. She heard laughter from the boys in the car, but barely perceived it. They weren’t worth her attention. She didn’t bother flipping them off either, as that would only reward their obnoxious behavior. Balding tires screeched on asphalt and the car zipped away.
    Julie rolled her eyes.
    They were so stupid. Oh, she liked them on a physical level, but she couldn’t stand how immature most boys her age were. These losers, for instance, with this half-assed driveby come-on. Too chickenshit to get any closer or deal with her on a face-to-face level. She smirked, knowing how they would blush and mumble if forced to spend more than two consecutive seconds in her presence.
    She hit a button to send the text

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