Goodbye Isn't Forever

Free Goodbye Isn't Forever by Melanie Blake

Book: Goodbye Isn't Forever by Melanie Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Blake
tentatively reached out and touched Zand’s arm, “Zand?”
the third time that evening Zand nearly jumped out of his skin.  This
time, however, Alex wasn’t amused.  She needed Zand to calm down.
okay, Zand.  It really is.  I wanted that kiss as much as you.”
eyed Alex with disdain.  “Yeah, but I bet you didn’t bargain for an
octopus, did you?”
grinned.  “I don’t think that you are an octopus, Zand.  You weren’t
out of line as far as I’m concerned.  Besides, I’m not sure I would mind
it as long as it was with you,” Alex added coyly, trying to wink.
laughed in spite of himself.  Alex’s attempt to wink was just too
cute.  He closed the distance between them and once again found himself in
Alex’s arms.
sorry, Alex.  This is just so crazy.”
pulled back from Alex’s embrace.  “Don’t get me wrong.  I think that
you are just amazing in every sense of the word.  Inside and…”
Alex prompted.
grinned sheepishly.  “And…outside.  You have to know that I think you
are just,” Zand sighed, “beautiful.”
You think I’m beautiful?”
rolled his eyes.  “Yes, Alex.  Look at you!  And that
dress.  It just makes me want to….” Zand trailed off.  He was
starting to be afraid of everything that he was feeling for Alex.  His
best friend.  His best friend that was also stunning.
saw the look of fear in Zand’s eyes.  She didn’t want him to think right
you want to do what, Zand?  Borrow it sometime?”  Alex added
chuckled.  “I don’t think it would look as good on me, Alex.”
not, but I think that you are just perfect in your black don’t-fuck-with-me
what?” Zand asked incredulously.
don’t act so naive, Zand.  You know good and well that you exude power in
that thing.”  Alex leaned forward and ran her hand down the arm of Zand’s
jacket.  “You are so amazing!  I took one look at you and forgot to
that, Alex grabbed the lapels of Zand’s jacket and pulled him in for a
scorching kiss.  Zand eagerly responded and both quickly got lost in the
Kensington?  Alex?”
was a full minute before either one realized that someone was knocking on
Alex’s door.
Alex mumbled under her breath. She pulled away from Zand and immediately
started fixing her appearance.
was still a bit dazed and was slow to respond.
Kensington?  Can you open the door, please?”  An authoritative voice
Alex.  That’s the director.  Do you think she knows?”
It’s okay, Zand.  She probably forgot to tell us something about the
project,” Alex soothed.
you’re right,” Zand let out a deep breath.  He ran over to the mirror and
quickly checked his appearance before Alex swung open the door.
had just settled himself in Alex’s desk chair, when the director walked in the
Zand.  I thought I would find you here,” the director said with a smile.
glanced nervously at Alex.  “Oh?  You are looking for me?”
both of you, actually.  I have just come from your room and assumed that
you would still be with Alex.”
you need us?”
first of all I want to say again what a tremendous job that the two of you did
on your project.  It was a brilliant idea and deserved to be the first
place winner.”
you,” Alex and Zand answered together.
I just need a few documents signed concerning your checks.  This just says
that you have both received your monetary rewards.  I have your parents’
signatures, and all I need is yours, so if you will just sign by your
respective names,” the director handed a folder to Zand and Alex.
she was waiting for the signatures, the pager on her hip buzzed.  She
quickly glanced down and read

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