Two For Joy

Free Two For Joy by Patricia Scanlan

Book: Two For Joy by Patricia Scanlan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Scanlan
totally excluded, unimportant, a nuisance even. And then being mauled by Tony Mallin on the dance floor. He could have raped her for all the notice her so-called boyfriend had taken.
    Heather wiped the tears from her face and stood up. Neil could build up his client base, she was going home. Better to be manless than witless and wimpy. At least she could live with herself knowing that she hadn’t behaved like a doormat this time. She heard someone come into the Ladies and silently cursed. One more minute and she could have slipped out and made her getaway. She ran her fingers through her hair, straightened her jacket and opened the door.
    Lorna was standing with her back to her at the sinks. She was applying lipstick to her mouth but her hand was shaking. ‘Where’ve you been all evening?’ Heather asked dully, thinking that her cousin was probably pissed. She looked a bit rough. Her make-up was streaked and her flimsy slip-style dress was very creased.
    â€˜Don’t ask,’ Lorna snapped.
    â€˜OK, ’night,’ Heather retorted.
    â€˜What do you mean ’night? Are you and loverboy leaving?’ Lorna inquired truculently.
    â€˜No, if you must know. I don’t have a loverboy any more. Neil Brennan can go to hell as far as I’m concerned. ’Bye.’
    â€˜No, hold on, Heather, what’s wrong? What’s happened? I saw Neil out there and he seems to be having a ball.’ Lorna turned to face her. She looked ghastly. Pale, red-eyed.
    â€˜Are you OK, Lorna? You haven’t been taking E’s or anything?’ Heather blurted.
    â€˜No I haven’t, Heather. I … I … Oh Heather, it was horrible!’ Lorna’s face crumpled and she burst into tears.
    â€˜What is it? What’s wrong?’ Heather looked at her in dismay.
    â€˜Let’s get out of here. I don’t want anyone to come barging in. We’ll go down the back stairs, there’s a laundry room that will be empty. I need to talk to you, Heather,’ Lorna said urgently, grabbing her cousin by the arm and propelling her out the door. They hurried down the corridor and pushed open the big heavy fire-doors to the back stairs. Two minutes later, Lorna led the way into a large tiled room full of big industrial washers and driers and steam presses and ironing boards. It smelt faintly of damp and washing powder.
    â€˜What’s the matter? Where were you all evening? Where’s Derek?’
    â€˜Don’t talk to me about that bollox! Oh, Heather. I was going to pretend it was wonderful and boast to you that it was the best experience of my life, but it was disgusting and…’ She started to howl.
    â€˜For God’s sake will you tell me what’s wrong with you, Lorna!’ Heather shook her cousin.
    â€˜I did it, Heather. I had sex with Derek and it was revolting and I think I’m frigid,’ Lorna bawled.
    â€˜Don’t be ridiculous, you’re not frigid. Let’s face it, Derek’s not exactly Colin Firth now, is he?’ Heather said stoutly. She was a bit shocked that Lorna had had sex with Derek after all the giving out she’d done about him.
    â€˜I suppose not,’ hiccuped Lorna. ‘I mean, Heather, he just jumped on me and it was over in a minute. I was so disappointed!’ Her lip wobbled. ‘I didn’t feel anything, not horny, not tingly, or quivery, nothing.’
    â€˜Forget about it,’ Heather advised, giving her cousin a comforting hug. ‘At least you can say that you’ve done it. As far as I can see I’m going to end up an old maid.’
    â€˜What’s the matter with you and the mechanic?’ Lorna sat on a stool and lit a badly needed cigarette.
    â€˜I don’t think he’s really interested, to be honest. He spent most of the evening trying to interest new clients for when he’s set up in business.’
    â€˜Huh!’ snorted Lorna. ‘That will be the day.

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