The Long Ride Home

Free The Long Ride Home by Marsha Hubler

Book: The Long Ride Home by Marsha Hubler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marsha Hubler
area, and where are you heading next?” Ruth asked.
    “We came specifically to find you,” Mrs. Chambers said. “I guess we’ll stay a day or two yet; after that we’ll head back to Pennsylvania.”
    Jacy took a bite of pretzel. “How is the good old Keystone State? Ruth and I miss some parts of it, but not the nasty winters.”
    “The good old Keystone State is doing fine,” Mr. Chambers said, glancing at his wife. “And lately, we’ve been having mild winters. I’d say we’ve probably averaged only about twenty inches of snow each of the last few years.”
    “That’s right.” Mrs. Chambers nodded. “And the frigid temps have been staying north of us. Our last few winters really haven’t been that bad.”
    “Jacy, did you know there are two other Jacy Nicholsons in this area?” Morgan asked.
    “Yeah,” Jacy said. “I’ve seen their names in the phone book. I guess I should have my name listed, too, but when I first got out of prison, I was a little skittish. You know, I really should get my name in there. There’s no need to be unlisted.”
    “We’re in our church directory,” Ruth said, “and almost all of our friends are from church, so we didn’t really see the need—until now.”
    “Skye, there are so many questions I have to ask you,” Jacy said. “Can you folks stay for supper?”
    “Can we, Dad?” Skye asked Mr. Chambers, and then her face turned beet red as her glance darted from Mr. Chambers to Jacy. “Oh, sorry. I guess I’ll have to make it clear which dad I’m talking to. I’ve really got to think this through.”
    Jacy chuckled and gave his daughter a warm smile. “It’ll take some time, Skye. There’s no rush. So folks, how about staying for supper?”
    “Oh, please do,” Ruth said. “We have some cold cuts and I’ll whip up a quick salad. It won’t be anything fancy, but we’d love to have you.”
    “We’d be glad to stay,” Mr. Chambers said.
    Ruth glanced at her watch and stood. “There’s no time like the present to get it moving. I can have the food ready in a jiffy. Hon, should we eat at the picnic table in the backyard?”
    “What’s your pleasure, folks?” Jacy asked.
    “We love picnics!” Skye said.
    “Then a picnic it’ll be,” Ruth said, turning toward the kitchen.
    Mrs. Chambers stood. “Ruth, I’d love to help you. That way we can get to know each other.”
    “Sure.” Ruth gestured for Mrs. Chambers to follow. “I’d love the company.”
    “Let me know if you need any more help,” Jacy yelled after his wife.
    “There’s not much to do with cold cuts,” she yelled back. “We gals can manage. You just enjoy getting to know your daughter.”
    As Mrs. Chambers left the room, Jacy focused on Skye and shook his head. “I still can’t believe this is true. Skye, just start from scratch and tell me all about yourself. Maybe with your Aunt Millie’s help, we can track down your mother. Rita was scared to death of me when they sent me up. She divorced me, changed her name, and went into hiding. But that’s all I know. I need to find that woman and tell her I’m not the man I used to be. I have no hard feelings against her at all. I’m just so sorry about everything that has happened. I need to apologize to her for all the pain I’ve caused her.”
    “With God on our side I think we will find her somehow,” Skye said. “I just hope she’s still alive.”
    “Why’d you say that?” Jacy asked. “Did Millie say Rita was sick or something?”
    “No, Aunt Millie doesn’t know anything about her,” Skye said. “But all my life I’ve wanted to get to know my real mother. I just hope she doesn’t die before I find her.”
    “I don’t even know where to begin,” Jacy said, “but I’ve got to help find her and make things right.”

Chapter eleven
    A t 7 a.m. Thursday morning, after a tearful farewell and promises to keep in touch with the Nicholsons, the Chambers family and their four horses headed toward Pennsylvania.

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