Trust Game

Free Trust Game by Scarlet Wolfe

Book: Trust Game by Scarlet Wolfe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Wolfe
hips. Why in the hell did I agree to condition two?
    “Look, apparently you worked at stuffier establishments than this. We’re a family business, and everyone is laid back here. You’re paranoid. No one would think less of you because we like each other.”
    “I’m finishing my first fucking week here, and you think they’re not going to think differently of me?”
    Charging right at her, I pull her into my arms and take hold of her chin firmly. “You need to lower your own damn voice, and we’re about to wrestle if you don’t chill.”
    She exhales a frustrated breath as she leans her head back and stares at the ceiling. Her smooth throat calls to me like the wind when I’m riding.
    There’s never a destination far enough to get my fill of the open road, and I have an uneasy yet thrilling sense that I won’t get my fill of Reese, either.
    She’s layers of mystery that I need time to unfold, and her feistiness gets my blood coursing and dick throbbing, leaving me desperate for a release.
    Sliding my ha nds into the back of her hair, I hold her still and start at the hollow of her neck. The tip of my tongue embarks on its journey upward, making small circles.
    She swallows hard beneath it, and knowing she’s excited has my cock aching against my zipper. Her hands slip under the front of my black t-shirt, blasting me with heat as my tongue skates its way up. I circle her ear before the tip barely skims along the skin behind it.
    “W hat you do to me, I can’t explain it. I have to show you. Let me fucking show you, Reese, and stop being so damn difficult.”
    Fingers follow the ripples o f my abs like she’s reading goddamn braille, and I’m about to spread her wide on this desk and pleasure her until she can’t even cry out my name because she’ll hardly be able to breath.
    “Son of a bitch,” I say before I let her go and storm to the door. Pointing back at her, I see that she’s panting, her eyes barely open, skin pink and blotchy. Dammit.
    “You an d me tonight, and I’m getting a taste this time.” I can’t help but scowl as I readjust my raging hard-on in my jeans. I’m impossible. Bullshit. Working with her is what’s damn near impossible.

    My breathing is labored and pulse racing as I grab hold of the back of my chair. Damn him for getting me this worked up and leaving.
    I fall into my seat and take a few drinks of my water. Kyle walks in with a smirk on his face. I knew this was going to happen.
    “You alright? You’re a little flushed.”
    “I’m fine. What do you need?”
    “ I’m curious if you went over the receivable reports you asked for. Can I put some heat on those past a hundred and twenty days?”
    I smile at him. “The real reason you like receivables is becoming clearer to me.”
    “I ain’t gonna lie; I enjoy breaking bad on their asses.”
    “Sure, but there’s a line there. We want to keep their business.”
    “I work arrangements out with most of them, when they’re having a hard time, but some of these need an ear full,” he says, holding up his copy of the report.
    His eyes begin darting everywhere.
    “Um, can I ask you something?” He’s nervous, and I’m praying this isn’t about Everett.
    “Of course, ” I reply.
    “When I was leaving for lunch yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice a wom an up front who looked a lot like you. Is she your sister?”
    “Yes, Becca. She’s twenty-two.”
    Kyle glances down at the papers he’s holding.
    “Um, is she single?”
    “Yes, but you might have to fight Travis for her.” His hope wanes, and I feel kind of bad. “I’m kidding. They were only chatting, but I haven’t talked to her to see if he took her number or anything.”
    “Oh, OK.” His head and shoulders are slouched over as he turns to leave. Geez, the men in this place are high maintenance.
    “Listen, I’ll feel out the water for you.”
    Taking a glimpse over his shoulder, he smiles at me bashfully. “I didn’t mean to cross

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