Sins of the Highlander (A Highland Erotic Romance)

Free Sins of the Highlander (A Highland Erotic Romance) by Dawn Halliday

Book: Sins of the Highlander (A Highland Erotic Romance) by Dawn Halliday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Halliday
face away, but his fingers still pressed against her scarred back. He lowered his voice. “If I had seen him do this to you, I would have killed him myself.”
    “Would you?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “He trained you. Did you consider yourself his better?”
    “Not then. But I could defeat him now.”
    “Do you think so? Walter was a powerful man.”
    He whipped his face back toward hers, a dangerous glint sparking in his eyes. She’d insulted his pride. Immediately, guilt washed through her. Why was she taunting him?
    “Aye, I could,” he said tightly.
    That sobered her. She reached up to take his arm. “I’m sorry, Niall. I did not mean to call your skill into question. Indeed, you are the strongest man I have ever known. I’m not being fair to you. In truth, I am…” She paused, struggling to rein in her emotions. How could she tell him all that was happening, all her fears and impossible desires? “I was just thinking about my meeting with the laird.”
    He drew her to a stop beside him then turned to her, his face dark. Still angry, but determined. “I’m going to ask the laird for his blessing to marry you.”

    Chapter Seven
    She gasped. Surely he wasn’t so naive as to actually believe John might agree to a marriage between her and Niall?
    “Niall, I don’t think—”
    “Stop.” He took her hands in his. “I know the chances of him agreeing are slim to none. But you are mine. I cannot imagine… I cannot tolerate the thought of you with anyone else.”
    She should be appalled by his feelings of ownership over her. Instead, warmth seeped through her body. Nobody had ever desired her the way Niall did. And it worked both ways. The mere thought of him with another woman made her blood run cold.
    She wanted to be his. Wanted it with all her heart. But she was an heiress and sister to the laird. There was no way on earth John would allow a landless warrior to marry her.
    Looking up at Niall, she bit her bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking as we’ve been riding the past few days. What if I sufficiently persuaded John of my distress over Walter’s death that he’d allow me to remain in mourning for at least two years? He would not force me to marry as long as I am in mourning.”
    Niall frowned. “Why would you want to do that?”
    She shrugged. “To prolong my freedom. Much can change in two years. Anything could happen.”
    “Aileen.” He gripped both her shoulders. “Listen to me. If we join together in our request to the laird, perhaps he will understand our happiness depends on being together.”
    She inhaled a sharp breath. “Does it?”
    “Aye!” he said harshly. “Mine does.”
    Aileen squeezed her eyes shut. Did she feel the same way?
    She wanted a future with Niall. She wanted to wake up in the morning and turn over to see him sleeping by her side.
    And if she couldn’t have him…she couldn’t be happy. She might survive, but she wouldn’t be happy.
    Lord, she was lost. She sank against his hard chest. “Niall…Niall. What will we do?”
    Stroking her back over the wool of her plaid, he held her, heating her blood through the layers of material between them. “The laird has always been greedy for land. Perhaps we can entice him.”
    She thought for a long moment, calculating. “I have four small houses besides Dornoch, and several thousand acres of land.” She pressed her face against his plaid. “I could give it all up. All I want is Dornoch. And you.”
    She tightened her arms around him. His shaft grew against her belly until it was rigid. Desire swept through her, raw, burning and irresistible.
    “Niall,” she whispered. “I want you. Now.”
    He bent his head to kiss the top of hers, then scanned their surroundings. She could virtually hear the cogs of his brain turning, calculating where they might go.
    “Come.” Tugging on her hand, he turned toward one of the cottages.
    “What about Iain?”
    “I told your man I would escort

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