The Highlander's Bargain
of the garlicky, gooey goodness. She chewed, swallowed, and still his eyes never left her. Even eating in his proximity turned her on. Jeez. “Go on. Try it. I know you’re hungry.”
    Tentatively, he lifted a piece, sniffed at it and took a small bite. His eyes lit up. He grinned and stuffed the rest of the square into his mouth.
    “Told ya.” She smiled back. “Beer and pizza, a little slice of heaven here on earth. Just wait until you try ice cream and chocolate.” He shot her a questioning look with his mouth full—so adorable she could hardly stand it.
    After they’d consumed more than half the pizza and a couple of beers each, she was stuffed. Robley flopped back and groaned, patting his stomach. “Done?” she asked. He nodded, and she got up, reaching for their plates, empty beer bottles and napkins. “Ordinarily, I’d expect you to help with the cleanup, but everything is so new to you right now. I’d rather you continue watching the movie.”
    “My thanks for your generous hospitality . . . Erin.” His shy glance darted to her and back to the TV. “May I call you by your given name? It suits you, lass.”
    “Of course, Robley. We all call each other by our given names these days.” Full and slightly buzzed from the two beers she’d consumed, she busied herself with putting the leftover pizza away, rinsing out the bottles for recycling and stowing the dishes in the dishwasher. After wiping the counter down, she returned to find Robley sound asleep, still sitting upright with his head leaned back on the couch. Lord, he was gorgeous. Soft, rhythmic snores emanated from him. Her heart turned over, exposing its soft underbelly like a puppy wanting a good scratch. She could stare at him for hours and never get bored.
    Two people with 584 years between them in evolutionary terms didn’t stand a chance. Besides, he’d be returning to his century soon. She was so close to reaching her career goals. Becoming a midwife was more important to her than anything. Her place was in the present, and his place was in the distant past. No use entertaining any ideas of anything more than a brief, very hot tryst, and she wasn’t certain she could handle that. No. She was certain she couldn’t. Best let it go. Fantasize like crazy, but don’t act on the impulse. Tomorrow she’d lay down some parameters with him, making her position clear.
    She headed for the linen closet at the end of the hall and made his bed before returning to wake him. Sitting down on the couch, she reached out and shook his shoulder. “Robley, wake up.”
    He shifted, taking her into his arms and drawing her close. He nuzzled her neck for a second and started snoring again with his face planted against her bare skin. His soft breaths tickled her senses and did funny things to her insides. Enveloped in his heady masculine scent and pressed against him, she melted into his warmth, more reluctant to move than she cared to admit. She stroked his cheek, stubble and all, and then ran her fingers through his hair. Hmm, who knew it would be so silky-soft?
    He stirred, letting out another long sigh, and tightened his arms around her. Oh yeah. Life had never been fair where she was concerned, and Robley of clan MacKintosh was just another hardball thrown her way. It would all end badly, and she’d be in pain, but man—never before had life felt so fine as it led her toward disaster.
    “Robley, wake up.” She shoved his shoulder again.
    His eyes opened to half-mast, sexy and sleepy. He let out a rumbling, purring sound from deep in his chest and hugged her to him. “Have I fallen into your arms once again, mo cridhe ? Seems we’re back where we started.” He nuzzled her neck and whispered, “Right where we belong.”
    Flustered, Erin extricated herself from his embrace and shot off the couch. “It’s late, and you’re obviously out of your mind with exhaustion. I made your bed, now go lie in it.”


    R obley sipped the coffee

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