Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set
double doors of the cafeteria and brakes just in time to slide into the food line and snatch an apple, a soda, and something that barely resembles a taco salad. She hands over her money and hurries to find a seat at the back of the room.
    Students filter in over the next few minutes. It’s obvious how the hierarchy of the cafeteria is set up. The jocks and cheerleaders command the use of the center tables, and the rest are designated for the outer circle—the uncool kids.
    Roseline rolls her eyes. Obviously some things never change.
    Sadie’s squeal pulls Roseline from her thoughts. Her new friend slams into the chair next to her, grasping her chest as she forces huge gulps of air into her lungs. “Are you alright?” Roseline asks, leaning in toward her friend.
    “I…just…wait,” she gasps. Roseline sits back as Sadie gets herself under control.
    Sadie’s lips peel back into a wide grin. “I’ve got news.”
    “I assumed,” Roseline says with a laugh. What on earth can be so important? The poor girl is practically hyperventilating.
    Sadie runs her hands over her spiked hair and nods in approval. “You’re not alone.”
    “Excuse me?”
    William rolls his eyes as he sinks down onto his chair. His styrofoam plate is absolutely heaping with the surprise meat taco goo. “What she’s trying to say is that you are no longer the new kid on the block.”
    Roseline’s eyebrow rises. Sadie’s cheeks flush with excitement as she leans forward. “He arrives this morning. Mom and Dad went to pick him up at the airport before we left for school. Can you believe it? I’m going to have a hot foreign exchange student living in my home!”
    “It’s not that big of a deal,” William mutters around a massive bite of greasy meat. “She’s probably going to scare the poor kid anyway.”
    Sadie slaps him on the arm. William winces but manages to turn it into a private wink for Roseline.
    “Don’t ruin it for me,” Sadie squeals, bouncing on the edge of her seat.
    Roseline chuckles. “You are rather excited.”
    “Darn right I am.” Sadie pounds on the table. A few people cast curious glances her way but she remains oblivious. “I’ve got dibs on the hottie.”
    “And which hottie might you be referring to?” a voice squeaks from just behind Sadie. She whirls around and her expectant smile instantly droops. The boy’s thick Romanian accent rolls over Roseline’s back, chilling her.
    “You have got to be kidding me,” Sadie groans. “This is what they sent me to work with?”
    As Roseline glances up at the tall boy standing behind Sadie, every muscle in her body locks down. Oh no , she moans silently.
    One of the attributes that Roseline has honed over the years is facial recognition, with a side of voice recognition. Although she has never heard this boy speak before, she instantly recognizes his face.
    It’s the boy she noticed in Brasov waiting for the bus on the morning of her escape. She glances down at the table, not needing to look into his startling green eyes to draw up the mental image.
    A human from her hometown? It can’t be a coincidence. It just can’t be. He must be here for a reason…but why?
    His appearance is drastically different here. Gone is the designer sweater and fur-lined coat. His eyes now lie behind cheap plastic-rimmed glasses, which constantly slide down the bridge of his nose. His hair is greased, slicked down into a horrendous cowlick at the back. An oversized, second-hand, green knit sweater dwarfs his lean frame, giving him a frumpy look. The holes in his faded jeans were obviously not added by the designer.
    The boy stumbles over his feet as he hurries into a chair between Sadie and William. His gaze flickers toward Roseline, eyes pinching at the corners when he meets her steely gaze, but he turns his full attention onto Sadie. “Nicolae Dalma, at your service.”
    “Oh man,” Sadie grumbles, pulling away from the offered hand. She leans toward William. “Can we send

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