Blossoms of Love

Free Blossoms of Love by Juanita Jane Foshee

Book: Blossoms of Love by Juanita Jane Foshee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juanita Jane Foshee
“Just anything. I really don’t care what we eat I just want Lamont all to myself for today.”
    She went upstairs to wake Lamont but he had already showered, shaved, and was coming out of his room when she got to the top of the stairs. She smiled, “Good morning darling.” He said, “Morning.” Natalie said, “Della is packing us a picnic lunch.” Lamont asked, “Did we plan a picnic for today?” Natalie smiled, “We didn’t, I did.” He asked, “Is Sharon and Dave going too?” She said, “No. Just you and I. Dave hasn’t come home from Sharon’s apartment yet. He may be there all day. Any objections?” He smiled, “None.” She grabbed his arm, “We’ll go to Swan Lake.”
    As they went down the steps Lamont said, “Anywhere is fine with me but first I’m going to drink a cup of coffee.”
    It was ten thirty when they left for the lake. As they rode down the highway Lamont said, “I don’t remember leaving the club.” Natalie said, “You and Dave were loaded. No wonder with all those mixed drinks. That’s probably what made you sick. Drinking different booze will do that.” Lamont sighed, “Yea, we really knew better. Did I get out of hand?” Natalie said, “No, you and Dave were good boys. I could lie to you and say you were a marvelous lover, that you’re everything I ever dreamed of.” Lamont looked at her very puzzled, “Was I that lousy?” Natalie replied, “You weren’t anything. You passed out before I could get undressed. You really disappointed me Lamont Ellman.”
    She parked the car. “Here we are.” Lamont got the basket of food and Natalie got the blanket. They found an isolated spot by the lake. As she put the blanket on the grass Lamont looked around, “Hey this is beautiful.” She began spreading the food so they could eat. It took them over an hour to get there. She said, “Yes, it is lovely. That’s why I wanted to come here.” Lamont sat down hear her. “Umm, the food looks good.” She laughed, “Well let’s eat, I’m starved.” They laughed, joked, and talked. Natalie didn’t want to think about him leaving in a few hours. He helped her put the things away when they finished eating so the ants wouldn’t get in the leftovers. Then he laid back on the blanket. She sat down beside him, “What are you thinking?” He answered, “Nothing special.” She got a blade of grass and tried to tickle his nose. He rose up on one elbow, “So you want to play.” He started to tickle her and she threw her arms around his neck, kissing him. The kiss was long and sweet. Lamont said, “Nat I’m really glad nothing happened last night. I’d hate to miss out on something as sweet as you.” She looked at him, “It still could happen Monty.” He touched her face with his hand, “No, I respect you too much. We have something nice. Let’s don’t spoil it.” She replied, “Oh Monty. I don’t want to be respected. I don’t even want to be nice. I just want to belong to you.” His face was serious, “You are very special to me. I don’t want to hurt you. You are a very sweet girl but Nat, we could never afford to get too close.” Natalie asked, “Are you saying you could never love me?” Lamont said, “I’m saying we’re not for each other. Our life styles are nothing alike.” She asked, “Is it because I’m Dave’s sister?” He put his arms around his knees, “No, I want you to find someone who can give you the rich life you’re use to. I could never give you that kind of life. Even if I could, I wouldn’t be happy living the way you’re use to.” She replied, “I would be happy living any kind of life.” Lamont looked into her eyes, “What I’m saying honey, I think you are a wonderful person but you cling too much. You latch on too hard. I can’t breath. I can’t live that way. I’ve got to feel free, have room to breath. You’re smothering me with all your sweetness. I can’t take that.” Natalie asked, “What do you want?

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